This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
Ok everybody, lets do this thing :lol:

Those that have played in the past know that we want you to find what you consider your "best 3 shots" of the year, taken in British Columbia.
Best can be whatever you want it to be, ideally you will write why the shots are your favourites but i don't want to make a bunch of rules so if the pic speaks for itself, that's good enough.
I would love to see everyone's shots, no matter if you have never posted here before, used to post here or still stubbornly stick around even though you can see tumbleweeds rolling around the sections sometimes.
Whether you consider yourself a birder, bird photographer or somewhere in between ALL ARE WELCOME.

Spread the word if you can, would be great to get a large turnout this year, the more the better!
Thanks, lets see some birds :)

PS, i don't know if the Admin would consider pinning this and the other thread up until the new year? we still have an Admin here right? :wink:
Thanks again Paul for spearheading this thread!
Crazy year for me this year with a move and a semi-retirement. Birding seemed to take a backseat to the goings on but all is looking grand as we head into next year in the Okanagan.


Say's Phoebe
This one was important to me because it heralds the start of Spring as one of the early arrivals at the Hope Airport. The light was low but I love the softness of the overcast light.


Spotted Towhee
This one reminds me that often what we consider as more common or mundane species can be exciting when encountered unexpectedly. I was looking for an elusive Swamp Sparrow at the time (unsuccessfully) but was very happy with the resultant take away! I love the palette of colours and textures of both the bird and surroundings and how harmonious they are.


Lazuli Bunting
Taken from my favourite go-to spot for Lazuli in the Okanagan in my favourite light of the day. What can I say other than they are a beautiful bird to observe and capture.

Keep them coming and thanks again Paul!
Thanks Paul for starting this thread, appreciate it!

It will be super duper hard for me to pick only three since this year was a big year in terms of my birding and photography, but I will try my best!

Here we go:

ImageBlack Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) by Adam Dhalla, on Flickr

One of my favorite photographs and birds. The Black Oystercatcher (this one at Tsawwassen) are super fun and somewhat challenging to photograph so photographing this pair in the early summer was a real treat. the BLOY was the 200th life bird for me, and will always be special to me. (now at 360 life birds :D) Will hope to photograph them in the future!

ImageSooty Grouse (Dendragapus fuliginosus) by Adam Dhalla, on Flickr

The first time I saw a Sooty Grouse was at Burnaby Mountain, where it was 100 feet up a tree, hooting. We came back the next week early in the morning to (hopefully) catch him on the ground, and we weren't disappointed. As soon as I walked up to the upper swing set at Burnaby Mountain it spotted me... and ran right towards me! He tried to peck my legs multiple times and also bugged a few unlucky morning walkers as well! Soon he calmed down and started to pose well on the wooden sides of the playground. After one hour of feeding in the grass and walking around he flew back up in to his tree and began a new day of hooting away.

ImageClark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana) by Adam Dhalla, on Flickr

Swiggity Swoogity! This one was a fun one to catch! We decided to head up to Manning for the day to photograph some birds. We found a flock of around five Clark's Nutcrackers at the Cascade Lookout and decided to throw some peanuts to them - but not just anywhere, but at a very beautiful tree. If they came to the tree, the photos would be better. Soon enough, all the birds were jumping around and finding the tons of peanuts in the tree. Some tourists started to feed them as well which eventually led all of them away from the tree. Luckily, I got some nice shots - and the bird got their lunches!

it was really hard to choose only three but this thread is a great way to look back on all our birding & photography adventures we had this year.

here's to a great year of birding in 2018!
I met Paul today and he twisted my arm to enter 3.

Here is my 3, Not necessarily by "Best" but some of my favourites. No locations will be disclosed.

Long-eared Owl - Photo taken November 11 2017. Found sitting on a stump hunting at around 3:30-4pm then feel asleep 20 feet away from me.


Fraser Valley Western Screech Owl - Photo taken February 19 2017


Northern Pygmy Owl - Photo taken September 23 2017 in the Fraser Valley.


Great shots everyone! As a long time follower of this site, I finally felt compelled to get an account so I can show my support for everyone who contributes. Because I am a birder only with no photos to share, I've felt a little bit like an outsider looking in for a long time. It was Paul's effort at promoting this board that got me to chime in. Thinking back to all of the top 3 threads I've enjoyed over the years, I feel guilty that I've taken so long to speak up!
Thank you to all the contributing photographers on this board. I can't be the only one who enjoys your work without saying so.
Sorry I don't have some images to share!
Tweetybird wrote:I met Paul today and he twisted my arm to enter 3.

Here is my 3, Not necessarily by "Best" but some of my favourites. No locations will be disclosed.

Long-eared Owl - Photo taken November 11 2017. Found sitting on a stump hunting at around 3:30-4pm then feel asleep 20 feet away from me.

ImageLong Eared Owl peacefully sleeping by Anthony Bucci, on Flickr

Fraser Valley Western Screech Owl - Photo taken February 19 2017

ImageWestern Screech Owl - Side view by Anthony Bucci, on Flickr

Northern Pygmy Owl - Photo taken September 23 2017 in the Fraser Valley.

ImageNorthern Pygmy Owl by Anthony Bucci, on Flickr

Hi everyone,

I'm not much of a photographer and simply use a Canon SX60, which gets some decent shots given the right lighting, etc. I didn't do a ton of BC birding this year but most weeks I managed to get out for a walk around my property.

A sure sign of spring for me is singing Bewick's wrens:


In May, Gord Gadsden and I found this western screech-owl, which was a lifer for me:


In August, I went with Gord and some members of the Fraser Valley Birding forum to look for white-tailed ptarmigan at Needle Peak. We were very successful - another lifer for me!


I certainly enjoy this topic every year and look forward to seeing more photos from others!
These are 3 of my best for the year, I haven't been out for a couple of months, too busy renovating a house for my brother but I hope to get out soon. I hope every one has a very Merry Christmas and a great year of bird photography in 2018!!

ImageDSC_9990.jpg by Keith MacDonald, on Flickr

ImageDSC_8169.jpg by Keith MacDonald, on Flickr

ImageDSC_1151.jpg by Keith MacDonald, on Flickr
Thanks Paul for getting organized on posting the Top 3 Bird Shots from BC 2017!

For me 2017 was more about the smaller birds, I have great luck capturing some birds that before were difficult!

ImagePacific Wren by Rob -Alexander, on Flickr

I loved photographing this Pacific Wren!
It thought it was hidden, except for a tiny window through the thorns.
Sometimes they are right there beside you and singing so loud, yet you can't see them!

ImageAnna's Hummingbird female feeding from Snowberry flower feet together by Rob -Alexander, on Flickr

This is right beside the Corrigan Nature House, feeding on Snowberry flowers in September.
So tiny the flower, yet fit the Anna's Hummingbird's bill perfectly!

ImageGolden-crowned Kinglet bright Moss by Rob -Alexander, on Flickr

This one was taken across from the meet and greet office at Maplewood Flats, seeing a Golden-crowned Kinglet at ground level feeding in the moss was astonishing!

Looking forward to everyone else's photos taken in BC 2017!!!
I just started this hobby in May, and it's been lots of fun learning about all these birds (at the beginning of the year, I couldn't tell a sparrow from a swallow - I was pretty much a blank slate).

I've got maybe a dozen or so shots that I liked from this year, but reducing them to 3 is difficult, so I just picked these ones without too much thought. :)

American Goldfinch in summer colours:

Short-eared Owl at sunset:

Shrieking Northern Harrier:
It is great to see everyone posting. Picking 3 is tough but I will go with these....

Common Yellowthroat. I spent many a day in the spring chasing them around Surrey Bend Park - there were so many around.
ImageDSC_0899-1 by R R, on Flickr

I just like the look of this Northern Pintail taken at Reifel. Please Sir - can I have some more :)
ImageDSC_2937-1 by R R, on Flickr

Short-eared Owl taken a BBay - flying right at me and over me.
ImageDSC_3859-1 by R R, on Flickr
Some awesome images (and no doubt special memories) so far, keep them coming everyone. So hard to narrow the favorites down, I stated with more in this post then deleted until I was left with these Three.

I choose this Yellow-rumped Warbler image, liking both the background, the pretty little bird and the peaceful quiet mood of the image.
ImageYellow-rumped Warbler - 094A8145a2c by Sue Coastal Observer, on Flickr

I love this shot, feel like I have a special connection to Green Herons. I've seen them catch large fish and frogs but as this image demonstrates they won't pass up the tiniest of fish either.
ImageGreen Heron - 094A4934b1c4 by Sue Coastal Observer, on Flickr

And a flight shot, this Osprey did a quick loop around Brydon Lagoon before disappearing off into the distance. The one and only time I have seen one there and I was lucky enough to have look my way as he passed by.
ImageOsprey - 094A7648a2c8 by Sue Coastal Observer, on Flickr

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