This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
I have a small house on a 1 acre lot with lots of trees and seclusion [which is the way I like it!]. I spend more money feeding the birds than I do myself! LOL

ps The Cassiar Junco is a sub-species of the Dark-eyed Junco as are the Oregon, Slate-coloured etc
Great shots Bert, these look more intermediate between the two forms, although there are occasions where female Oregon Juncos may look a bit more slaty than usual, though this might reflect varying amounts of intergradation. A few days ago I saw what looked to be a slate-coloured at the backyard next door, although it still had a very faint amount of brown.

Cassiar is often considered to be an intregrade between Oregon and Slate-coloured rather than a true subspecies, although it does have a latin name ((Junco hyemalis cismontanus).
Is this some kind of thrush?


Anna's fantail

Anna's Hummingbird captured in an Oak Bay alleyway[…]

2024 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

Great adds, everyone! I was able to capture a few[…]

My first post!

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