This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
By markj
These guys are everywhere but real damn cute aren't they? I watch them hiding sunflowers and peanuts

By wings
Mike that head-on shot of the grebe is so unique. It reminds me of photos of giant European Grebes. Lots of nice photos, people.
Even more. We're got enough for a book now. Very specialized Briding book.

Here's a Willow Flycatcher from Colony Farm. Notice how the "mouth" is level with the eyes. Likely an aid to successful hawking.


And a young Rufous Hummingbird. Also from Colony Farm.


And an amazing photo of a gaping Virginia Rail. From Chichester Wetlands in Kelowna.

By VAGAbond
Here is another view of the same bird taken moments earlier. I don't think it is a Harrier although the previous photo certainly looks like it when I look closely.

By VAGAbond
Fancy and BG are correct. I though they were sequential photos in a photo burst but looking at the times, a single frame of a harrier sneaked in between two bursts of a RL with just a few seconds elapsing.
Anna's fantail

Anna's Hummingbird captured in an Oak Bay alleyway[…]

I believe it's a varied thrush.

2024 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

Great adds, everyone! I was able to capture a few[…]

My first post!

A Song Sparrow (singing?) taken at Willows Beach V[…]