This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
By revs
Ok, third and final installment of my trip report (i wouldn't normally post so many in succession but since we have a lack of posters here at the moment i don't think anyone cares anyways) so..

I posted the hummingbirds and tanagers earlier and while they were a big part of my wishlist there were plenty of other interesting species. A few of these birds took 4:30am starts to get to but i think they were worth it in the end.

Rufous-naped Brush-finch - a splash of colour seen briefly at one location.

Andean Guan - worth the long walk out to remote feeding station on Yanachoca dirt road at high elevation.

Masked Flowerpiercer - another splash of colour.

Tawny Antpitta - much too close for the 500mm lens. Saw 7 species of antpitta during the trip, my guide Luis got me two and the famous Angel Paz showed off 5 of his own in the dark.

Turquoise Jay - saw a few of these, just didn't get one out in the open.

White-capped Dipper - seeing a dipper other than American was a highlight.

Tufted Tit-tyrant - aka fancy bushtit :lol:

Swainson's Thrush - neat to see a species i know well.

Crimson-rumped Toucanet - really wanted to see one of these.

Long-wattled Umbrellabird - long walk up a muddy slope in early morning fog but the bird was where it was supposed to be, backlit and all.

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock - when my guide asked me what my most desired birds were and i didn't say this one he was surprised, i wanted it but then again, i wanted everything :lol:

Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan - one of my most-wanted birds, seen from too great a distance for detail but i will take it.

Orange-breasted Fruiteater - a hard bird to get but worth it.

Toucan Barbet - my most-wanted bird, it made us wait 1 1/2 hours and i was pretty sure were were going to dip on it but my guide pretty much guaranteed it and he was right.

Loong distance shot of Andean Condor at 4000+ metres elevation.

Andean Coot in less than hospitable conditions - my guide saved me a huuge walk out to the waters edge in pouring rain and howling wind by telling the gate that i was over 65 so we could drive out - having a grey goatee does have its advantages sometimes, i even pretended to be elderly while we were let in :lol:

That's a wrap :) hope those of you who still visit this forum enjoyed it!
By revs
Garym wrote:Great shots as always, Paul
What's this about impersonating a senior?
Gary Magnusson
:lol: it wasn't my idea, there is a gate at Antisana that leads to the lake where ducks, grebes and coots can be found but it is a long walk to get to.
I have a real disability in my left leg (that causes me to limp slightly and gives me balance problems every now and then) and my guide tried to get me in with that but the only way they would allow you to drive further down the road to lake was if you were 65 or over, doesn't matter if you are in a wheelchair or crutches. So my guide came back to the car and told us it was good that my goatee was grey because he said i was 65, bless him because it was cold and rainy, and when we got to the waters edge all we saw were coots, and some crazy family trying to camp right at waters edge for some reason, they had kids and the water was lapping up to the tent, very bizarre that anyone would even try to to tent there because it wasn't all that pleasant.

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