This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
I advised a member that right now Pacific Loons are swimming reasonably close to the waterline at Point Roberts - in breeding plumage. For example....


And a few additional recent photos such as this "Solitary" Spotted Sandpiper in the early morning light. I'm also posting some larger photos now that this forum has bumped up its size (at least on my 4k monitor).


A couple of early morning light images of Teal.



And a shot of an attractive interloper Duck.


And finally, a shot of what can only be Boris Johnson's pet bird, "Shaggy".


Thousands yet unprocessed. These were pushed ahead because I wanted to illustrate proof of presence. FWIW, the images on my crowded Flickr account are mostly organized by Albums.
By zwest
I stopped by Lighthouse Park in Pt. Roberts today and there were still a couple of Pacific Loons hanging around - I was able to get some mediocre “lifer” photos!

There were also high numbers of Pelagic Cormorants, Surf Scoters and Harlequin Ducks. I’ve never seen so many Harlequins in one place.

By jewill
Very nice set of pics. Boris is truly a unique looking bird; an escapee from the Bloedel conservatory you say (Calidriss33)?
I managed to get 1 lone Pacific Loon at Point Roberts last week and a surprise too - about 8 Rhinoceros Auklets swimming way off shore. Of course lots of Harlequins and cormorants there as Zwest says.
As for the Mandarin, I have been at the location 4 times in the last 3 days, spending a few hours each time, and have been unsuccessful so I give up! Has there been any sightings of him since Saturday? I hear he has a girlfriend so maybe they eloped :P.

And finally from Iona Beach Park, there were a few[…]

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