This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
By keithric
I've got a bunch of these! I love it when my bird subjects look me in the eye...or anyone for that matter.
Hope this isn't too many:

"You arrogant humans! Think you can take our photos whenever you feel like it! Hmmph!"
Great Horned Owl - Kelowna
"You arrogant humans! Think you can take our photos whenever you feel like it! Hmmph!"

My friend, Iago ~ all white and innocent except in the darkness where he keeps his evil brain!
Male Goldeneye in Spring
"Desdemona? Oh yes, I know her well...."

A couple of GRHEs:
Green Heron ~ with lunch

Green Heron ~ in repose

Black Oystercatcher
"Look, if you waded in salt water all the time, you'd have wrinkly pinkly bare legs, too...."

Canada Goose mates

American Robin

Ok, so this one's not quite head-on, but if it were, it wouldn't be as nice an image....
Anna's Hummingbird

Ditto for this one:
American Redstart male

And thanks to all the others who've posted their wonderful HoVs!
By mikewiz
Found one more while cruising through this years files

fluffy little black-capped chickadee

From the Pier at White Rock, a symmetrically patterned LT Duck. Note how the black on the bill lines up with the black on the body. The lighting was very dim and I had to boost my ISO to 2000+.


From Serpentine Fen on the 28th, a Bewick's Wren stares me down.


Also from Serpentine Fen, a Golden-crowned Sparrow sits guarding some seeds dropped on the path by a visitor. It wouldn't move as I walked past.

2024 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

Great adds, everyone! I was able to capture a few[…]

My first post!

A Song Sparrow (singing?) taken at Willows Beach V[…]

Is this some kind of thrush?

Saw this guy in our back yard in Parksville about […]

Albino sparrow??

Hi all. Please help me identify this small light g[…]