This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
By wntrtvlr
Wednesday birding walk was a quiet affair save some Hawks and some regular visitors. There were large numbers of Common Mergansers seemingly unwilling to pose for a modest 80-400mm lens and the small birds we spotted were either far away or obscured by twigs..a test for even manual focus. There are seven shots in this file, the last of which is a Shrike which was back on the east side of the reserve on the Hawk Tree, one of a couple of places it was spotted last week and a place where it is difficult to approach undetected.
Is this some kind of thrush?


Anna's fantail

Anna's Hummingbird captured in an Oak Bay alleyway[…]

2024 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

Great adds, everyone! I was able to capture a few[…]

My first post!

A Song Sparrow (singing?) taken at Willows Beach V[…]