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Hi There ..
I just wanted to mention that the Northern Spotted Owl Breeding center in Langley is having a site tour this saturday Jan 14 .
It is an interesting place and their goal is to hatch and eventually release Northern Spotted owls ,,
Thanks for checking it out !
Their email is
Contact Jasmine or Karen

Ray Morris

Their Facebook is :
Thanks Ray for sharing this!!!

Me and my Dad attended the tour today and it was an amazing experience!! We got to see Spotted Owls up close and we learned so much!! Here are a few photos of the owls there.

ImageSkye the Northern Spotted Owl by Adam Dhalla, on Flickr

And a Barred Owl.
ImageForrest the Barred Owl by Adam Dhalla, on Flickr
John, there are still a handful of wild Spotted Owls in BC, but for how long they will remain is the question. It is very sad but due to mismanagement by the BC gov't they will most likely be gone from BC very soon. They are basically ghosts of the forest now. The US has done a much better job in preserving wild Spotted Owls, such as in WA state.

what a wonderful tour and photos Adam! speaking of 'ghosts of the forest', you and John may be interested in Richard Cannings' Oct 2007 published book (photos by Victoria Biologist/wildlife photographer Jared Hobbs) titled "Spotted Owl: Shadows in an Old Growth Forest". or view Jared's photos of Spotted in the wild from Canada to Mexico on Hobbs Photos (website).
Thanks Adam for sharing.

Just in case some of you did not visit the website or FB page, this is how you can help without costing you an extra cent.

"Using gift cards is a great way to budget for the New Year and helps you stick to your guns when it comes to cutting back on expenses.Now imagine mastering your budget and donating to the Northern Spotted Owl Breeding Program at the same time? lets you purchase gift cards with retailers donating back a percentage to us!
Just use our invite code V2Z GTU and sign up today."

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