This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
First off, let me say i'm blown away by the response to the Top 3 threads so far, soo many great shots, keep em coming!

It was a lot tougher this year than i thought it would be :lol:

Funny year, it was the best of times and it was the worst of times as well, at times.
Spent a lot of the year shooting a few locations on the north shore and didn't venture too far for the most part.


Barred Owl From a recent encounter in North Vancouver, kind of a magical moment.


Yellow-rumped Warbler on a most delicious natural perch, again in North Vancouver, from the spring.
Shot a lot of warblers this year, spotting a pair of these birds foraging low to ground i was able to get some good looks one afternoon.

Wilson's Snipe, Stanley Park.

Was looking unsuccessfully for waterthrush early one morning when this bird flushed from a marshy area near the trail at Beaver lake, it didn't fly far and instead of disappearing like they usually do landed on the trail!
Luckily there were no people walking around and i was able to inch my way up slowly until the bird was full frame in viewfinder.

Thanks for looking, and if you haven't posted your shots here yet please do :)
All of the photos, so far (and I hope there are many more to come), are stunningly beautiful. There are a lot of very talented birder/photographers out there - congratulations to all. I am unable to participate because earlier this year Photobucket upped its price for 3rd party hosting from $10 per year to $400 per year and I refuse to be extorted like that so I deleted my account. I still haven’t figured out Flickr (I’m old :roll:). I sure am enjoying looking at and reading about everyone else’s work though. Thank you Paul for restoring this thread.
Merry Christmas to all and Happy Birding in 2018.
beautiful shots everyone! thanks Paul. my 3 are from the SEW (south-east woods by world's tallest totem) of Beacon HIll Park. Barred Ricky, born Apr 2017, has already brought in a mate, Lady, and is the heir apparent.
A ray of sunshine brought an anna's chick to life in the nest softened with feathers. The Cooper's Hawk Juvenile female (still yellow eyes), was being courted with bird lunch by the male. She had one offspring and tried to chase the big Horned Owl Momma out of her territory when the owl returned, to no avail. I observed the COHA catching a bird and withholding it from her little one, to teach her how to protect her catch. A lot of noise. I'm out 4 hours each day with my camera and every day is a learning experience in Nature. How fortunate we are!
Best of the Season to all.
Everyone has posted wonderful shots, keep 'em coming! Thank you Paul for keeping this thread going every year, its always a lot of fun seeing everyone's favs!
I didn't think I'd have much since I haven't been out photographing for the past 6 months, but looking over the past year I actually did get out a fair bit in the first half of the year ... so here goes:

From Tofino during their annual Shorebird Migration Festival - I scoured the beaches on my own, as I was lying flat in the sand this little plover just kept coming closer & closer to me!
ImageSemipalmated Plover by featherweight2009, on Flickr
Same with this Dunlin at Tofino
ImageDunlin vs Worm 3 by featherweight2009, on Flickr
I always like to check on the Long-billed Curlew at Blackie Spit to see if its within decent shooting distance. This day back in February was a good one for me!
ImageLong-billed Curlew by featherweight2009, on Flickr
I was hard pressed to pick 3 "best of 2017" so I chose instead to pick some of my favourites from my own back yard in Abbotsford!

This last winter was a banner one for Varied Thrush. I kinda like the colour of the background on this one:
ImageVaried Thrush M45s by BirderBert, on Flickr

Back in the Spring a whole bunch of Warblers descended on my Plum blossoms including this Nashville Warbler which hung around for a couple of days! It was a LIFER for me!
ImageNashville Warbler M10s by BirderBert, on Flickr

This head shot of an Anna's male was taken only a few weeks ago. I decided to try a different strategy on this guy and positioned myself right beside the feeder! I figured he would come a little closer to check me out but probably not come down to feed. He just sat there for 5mins or so but in that time the females took advantage and 3 of them were on the feeder with me just inches away. He watched the activity for a few minutes and then swooped in and scattered them!
ImageAnna's Hummingbird M28s by BirderBert, on Flickr
jewill wrote:All of the photos, so far (and I hope there are many more to come), are stunningly beautiful. There are a lot of very talented birder/photographers out there - congratulations to all. I am unable to participate because earlier this year Photobucket upped its price for 3rd party hosting from $10 per year to $400 per year and I refuse to be extorted like that so I deleted my account. I still haven’t figured out Flickr (I’m old :roll:). I sure am enjoying looking at and reading about everyone else’s work though. Thank you Paul for restoring this thread.
Merry Christmas to all and Happy Birding in 2018.
I was in the same situation as you. I refuse to pay $400 per year. It's a joke. On Flickr you click your image, bottom right hand corner there is 4 icons. Click the right facing arrow. Then click the BBCode tab. It will provide you with a URL link, Copy and paste it in your thread on this forum.
Tweetybird wrote:
jewill wrote:All of the photos, so far (and I hope there are many more to come), are stunningly beautiful. There are a lot of very talented birder/photographers out there - congratulations to all. I am unable to participate because earlier this year Photobucket upped its price for 3rd party hosting from $10 per year to $400 per year and I refuse to be extorted like that so I deleted my account. I still haven’t figured out Flickr (I’m old :roll:). I sure am enjoying looking at and reading about everyone else’s work though. Thank you Paul for restoring this thread.
Merry Christmas to all and Happy Birding in 2018.
I was in the same situation as you. I refuse to pay $400 per year. It's a joke. On Flickr you click your image, bottom right hand corner there is 4 icons. Click the right facing arrow. Then click the BBCode tab. It will provide you with a URL link, Copy and paste it in your thread on this forum.
Hey, thanks Anthony (I met you at OWL a couple of weeks ago when you were picking up a Barred owl for release :)).
So, I will give it a try. Bear with goes:

I had been chasing after Bohemian Waxwings for probably 2 years or more always "just" missing them. Finally, I was rewarded earlier this year.

Bohemian Waxwing by Jewill16, on Flickr

I was very surprised to hear of an American Avocet at Elgin Park in September! In fact I almost missed it having walked around and not finding much. As I was leaving I met a friend in the parking lot who asked if I had seen the Avocet. We went back and there it was (probably there all along and I walked right by it :oops:).

American Avocet by Jewill16, on Flickr

This was taken just last week at the Crescent Beach Pier. It's the closest I've been to a Long-tailed Duck. He was very accommodating, posing for pictures and I was happy to snap away.

Long-tailed Duck by Jewill16, on Flickr

There you have it! On preview it looks OK, so I hope once I hit submit nothing changes. I find Flickr much more involved than Photobucket, so I have some practicing to do before I really get the hang of it. You gotta start somewhere though, right?

Paul: how about resurrecting the "Bird of the Month" in the New Year (hint, hint)?
Took a trip to Boundary Bay recently and the Short-eared Owls were very active and provided some of my best pictures of the year although I have had an active year of bird photography and there were many to choose from. A couple of action shots:

ImageShort-eared Owl by brian avent, on Flickr

ImageShort-eared Owl by brian avent, on Flickr

In the spring I spent quite a while chasing warblers with my camera. They a devilish little fellow to photograph as they are always on the move. There were a few successes. I do love the Wilsons' warbler:

ImageWilson's Warbler by brian avent, on Flickr
Thanks everyone who has participated so far, i know there are others who won't play along for whatever reason but i'm sure they are checking the pictures out anyways, hope you are all enjoying them :lol:

By the way, I don't know what the admin thinks of all this, he has been strangely silent since i have come back posting, i have seen him on here though so he is still around.

Jewill, i was thinking about bringing Bird of the Month back in the new year, i guess it all depends if continuing to contribute to this forum in the new year is indeed the thing i want to do. :|
eastvanbirderboy wrote:I would like to post some photos, but can't figure out how to insert photos in a post. The photos I wish to post are in the Photos app of my MacBook.

Doug Cooper
East Van
You can’t upload pictures directly. It’s all explained here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=934

I’m sure everyone would like to see your pictures so good luck!
Paul, I sincerely hope that you continue with the forum. It was looking like it was on shaky ground there for a while but people are starting to come back now, myself included, and I hope more will join in. I really enjoy looking at your photos and reading the back story of how they came to be.
Just my 2 cents worth; I’m sure you will do what’s best for you, which is all that really matters :D.
Okay, here's my attempts at posting my three favourite BC bird photos from 2017. Thanks to Kevin Slagboom for the tutorial on posting images.

1. Great Horned Owl. It's not a great photo but the great part about it was that the owl was in a tree across the street from my house in the Hastings - Sunrise neighbourhood of East Van.


2. Tufted Duck male. Again, not a terrific photo, but it was of an unusual bird in an unusual place, the place being the swimming pool at New Brighton Park in East Van.


3. Gyrfalcon. I encountered the bird when I went out to Pitt Meadows in hopes of finding a Prairie Falcon that had been reported from the area. I was originally disappointed when the falcon I found was "only" a Gyr, until I gave my head a shake. It was a bright sunny day and I got some good photos of it perched, launching itself on a hunting foray and returning to the same tree. This shot is of it coming in for a landing.

Just wanted to say....thanks Paul for your work on this thread & this forum. I'm not a photog , just a 'bins birder' - that's why I rarely post on this forum, no images to post - but I definitely read it as part of my ongoing study of birds.

Thanks also for those who do post their photos here! You certainly do amazing work.
There is only a few minutes of some days that the reflection on the water gets like this, I actually didn't like it at first and almost deleted it but the wife told me it was a good one so I kept it and even printed it out and I really like it now.

ImageRufous Hummingbird by Martin Dollenkamp, on Flickr

I don't remember taking this one but I wanted to print one of Pileated's on canvas and came across this one and really liked it, the print look's great too.

ImagePileated Woodpecker by Martin Dollenkamp, on Flickr

Towee's are in the yard all year round, there not shy they have great contrast so the autofocus always locks very accurately, like most birds they love the water and will hog the best spot.

ImageSpotted Towhee by Martin Dollenkamp, on Flickr

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