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A few more from Tanzania

Posted: Oct 03 11:19 am
by Dragonspeed
The superb starling is everywhere, seemingly, but still is a pleasure to see. I always joke that it's not just a nice bird, it's SUPERB :)
Superb Starling
by Brian Hampson, on Flickr

The lesser flamingo usually hangs out in more caustic environments that make it hard to get a good shot... This one was part of a group hanging out in somewhat less alkaline water, for a change
ImageLesser Flamingo by Brian Hampson, on Flickr

Very stately Norhern white-crowned Shrike
Northern White-crowned Shrike
by Brian Hampson, on Flickr

I hope you enjoy. The Serengeti National Park has over 530 species of birds and Tarangire National Park has over 550! I think I've seen about 125 of them. - only.