This area is for BC birding news, events and related announcements.
By RogerMcGovern
I am a keen birder living in Sydney Australia with a fairly extensive ABA area list. My wife and I will be in Tofino for two nights in mid-May and, although we are not on a birding trip, I was wondering whether a half day boat trip out of Tofino or Ucluelet might provide a lifer or two as a bonus. The possibilities are Cassin's Auklet, Tufted Puffin, Sabine's Gull and Red Phalarope. Any suggestions for where best to take a boat from (and whether any of these species are realistic targets) would be very welcome. Many thanks.
Is this some kind of thrush?


Anna's fantail

Anna's Hummingbird captured in an Oak Bay alleyway[…]

2024 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

Great adds, everyone! I was able to capture a few[…]

My first post!

A Song Sparrow (singing?) taken at Willows Beach V[…]