This area is for general discussion on Birds and Birding.
By oldisnew45
I saw a Myrtle yellow rumped this evening
it was sifting through ground debris and so I didn't think it was a warbler because I never have seen one do that.
The yellow was like nothing ive ever seen! I am so grateful for the encouragement ive received here. I truly believe that is why im discovering beauty in the most unlikely places.
By jewill
There seems to be way more Myrtle Yellow-rumps this year than in previous years. Usually I would see maybe 1 or 2 a year, the rest being Audubon’s. This year it’s the opposite. I think I’ve only seen a couple of Audubon’s (and only photographed 1), yet lots of Myrtle’s.
That’s been my experience anyway…others may differ.
And you’re right…they are beautiful birds.
Anna's fantail

Anna's Hummingbird captured in an Oak Bay alleyway[…]

I believe it's a varied thrush.

2024 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

Great adds, everyone! I was able to capture a few[…]

My first post!

A Song Sparrow (singing?) taken at Willows Beach V[…]