This forum is for asking questions and providing answers on bird identification. New and visiting birders are encouraged to ask and participate.
Image169A2078-Tyrannidae sp by Patrick Covello, on Flickr

This bird was seen in 30 feet high bushes on the West Vancouver Seawalk. I didn't hear it vocalize. It looks to me that it is a Western Wood Pewee, but I know there are other very similar species, including the Willow Flycatcher.

In support of the Western Wood Pewee ID, I see a bit of a crest, gray back and head, and a tendency to make short flights and return to the same perch.

On the other hand, there seem to be a hint of yellow in its flanks.

What do you think?

This is indeed a Western Wood-Pewee. Empidonax flycatchers have prominent wing bars while Contopus flycatchers have less-conspicuous wing bars. Also note the long primary projection; this is another distinguishing feature that separates it from Willow Flycatcher. Lastly, the non pale mandible; most pewees have either an all dark bill or a partial pale lower mandible.
Is this some kind of thrush?


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