This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
So many nice comments. I humbled and appreciative. Nice group here.

Doug, I have been working on bird bath designs for about 4 years now. Lots of reading, designing, and many failures for a wide variety good reasons. But when I got my last two running right the bird population in my little sanctuary absolutely skyrocketed, especially in summer due to reduced clean water sources. Plus adding bird dusters made a huge difference too.

I have two operating bird baths. Both are on recirculated water. I am almost finished a third design, which allows flow through fresh water. This last one was a real challenge.

I'll post another link soon so you can see the 2nd bath I use.

No matter what design, my top 10 key design points are:

1) Attraction - getting them to the yard
2) Safety - from predators, drowning, unclean water and unhealthy materials
3) Bird species - what you want to attract and how to avoid bird quarrels
4) Location - where best to place - sun, shade, wind, foliage, predators, etc.
5) Cost - materials, electricity for pumps, heaters, water
6) Water supply and conservation
7 )Water Sound -how to maximize attraction without bothering neighbours
8 Water heaters for freezing weather
9) Proximity to food
10) Natural lighting for cameras and vids!

I'm sure others may have more ideas and tips that i have missed.
Thanks. Those are a lot of the points I have been considering too. I first thought of making a nice concrete free standing, where I would have to replace water, but know that is not the best idea because if I forget the water can go rancid, and the same as feeders, the birds seem to rely on a well stocked yard of food.
I have perfect locations, and have tried various containers of water in some of them, and figured out where best for it.
You confused me on "bird duster"
Be nice to see your next post and design
Is this some kind of thrush?


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