This forum is for posting your best bird photos and videos. Although the site is focused on BC Birding, topics here and photo postings can include birds from around the globe. As well, provide a link to your photo galleries.
By revs
Left the house at around 6:30am and decided to check out Camosun bog in Point Grey first as i'm always looking for Hutton's Vireo and Townsend's Warbler but as has been the story the last 3 or 4 times i've visited, i've left without a shot, maybe i'm in the wrong area, i don't know, sure is a nice spot though..

Next, i was off to Iona to waste some time before Nikon opened and i could retrieve my "evil" :wink: flash unit that was repaired and ready to go.

Walking in the inner ponds i decided to wait out some Blue-winged teal, laying down on some kinda-yucky ground wasn't fun, but at least it was soft :lol:
eventually got lucky aned a few started to drift my way, super skitish bird, i know if i was standing up there was no way they would come close like they did.




among the small group of teal was a curious fella, who my suspicions tell me might be a Blue-winged teal X Northern Shoveler mix, it was in with the teal acting just like them while another group of shoveler swam in the distance, all by themselves.
Looking through my guide-book i notice that early fall shoveler males have a similar cresent mark on their cheek but seeing one this early? does that make sense?
i don't know, interesting bird though.




later on i came across some birds on a wire, Purple martins to be exact.


and even a White-crowned sparrow taking a break, hey, even birds need to chill sometimes.


thanks for looking :)

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