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ImageJuvenile Yellow-bellied Sapsucker by R Varga, on Flickr

This bird has been the subject of alot of attention from the birding world. This was a tough shot to get. I worked hard, waiting for over an hour for the bird to put itself into a small patch of sunlight, high up in the conifer. Klootchman Park, in West Vancouver. Due to aggressive cropping on my part, it looks close, but the bird was quite high up.
ImageHutton's Vireo by R Varga, on Flickr

Captured this image at Klootchman Park, West Vancouver. Unfortunately, the rising sun was about at 1 o'clock to me and the bird, and my position was so tight I just couldn't maneuver around to get the sun more behind me, for a more detailed, and better lit image, of the bird. I was hoping the bird might move to some shrubbery on the other side of me, putting the sun at my back, but no such luck. I ID'd this bird by call (Merlin) rather than by visual recognition. A first time bird for me.
Good catches Randy, I finally had to venture out for some fresh air this afternoon, there was enough bright overcast to make it interesting, so down to the pier I went. Lots of duck and Merganser action, and I took a short walk past the bit of bush beside the pier - hey, cool - a Varied Thrush foraging around under the cottonwoods there. We can add the Varied Thrush to the list:

ImageVaried Thrush by GMcD2008, on Flickr

Another visitor to the pier this afternoon was a K[…]