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With a fast start to the year, we are at 22 birds. Nice work!

Blackbird, Red-winged
Coot, American
Duck, Bufflehead
Eagle, Bald
Flicker, Northern
Goose, Snow
Grebe, Pied-billed
Merganser, Common
Pintail, Northern
Robin, American
Scaup, Lesser
Shoveler, Northern
Sparrow, Fox
Sparrow, Golden-crowned
Sparrow, Song
Sparrow, White-crowned
Teal, Green-winged
Towhee, Spotted
Wigeon, American
Wow -- you two went to town on the birds! We are up to 47 and it's not even the middle of January. lol.
Here's the current list:
Birds 2025
Blackbird, Red-winged x
Coot, American x
Duck, Bufflehead x
Dunlin x
Eagle, Bald x
Flicker, Northern x
Gadwall x
Goose, Snow x
Grebe, Pied-billed x
Mallard x
Merganser, Common x
Pintail, Northern x
Robin, American x
Scaup, Lesser x
Shoveler, Northern x
Sparrow, Fox x
Sparrow, Golden-crowned x
Sparrow, Song x
Sparrow, White-crowned x
Teal, Green-winged x
Towhee, Spotted x
Wigeon, American x
Brambling x
Bushtit x
Chickadee, Black-capped x
Cormorant, Double-crested x
Crow, American x
Finch, House x
Finch, Purple x
Goldeneye, Barrow's x
Goose, Cackling x
Harrier, Northern x
Heron, Great Blue x
Hummingbird, Anna's x
Ibis, White-faced x
Kinglet, Golden-crowned x
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned x
Loon, Common x
Merganser, Hooded x
Owl, Short-eared x
Sparrow, Lincoln's x
Swan, Trumpeter x
Warbler, Orange-crowned x
Warbler, Yellow-rumped (Audubon) x
Wren, Bewick's x
Wren, Marsh x
Yellowlegs, Greater x
So far, for 2025, I've got us at 58 birds. Great work!
Blackbird, Red-winged x
Brambling x
Bushtit x
Chickadee, Black-capped x
Coot, American x
Cormorant, Double-crested x
Crow, American x
Dove, Eurasian-Collared x
Dove, Mourning x
Duck, Bufflehead x
Duck, Ring-necked x
Dunlin x
Eagle, Bald x
Finch, House x
Finch, Purple x
Flicker, Northern x
Gadwall x
Goldeneye, Barrow's x
Goldeneye, Common x
Goldfinch, American x
Goose, Cackling x
Goose, Canada x
Goose, Snow x
Grebe, Pied-billed x
Gull, Glaucous-winged x
Gull, Olympic x
Gull, Ring-billed x
Harrier, Northern x
Hawk, Red-tailed x
Heron, Great Blue x
Hummingbird, Anna's x
Ibis, White-faced x
Kinglet, Golden-crowned x
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned x
Loon, Common x
Mallard x
Merganser, Common x
Merganser, Hooded x
Owl, Short-eared x
Pintail, Northern x
Quail, California x
Robin, American x
Scaup, Lesser x
Shoveler, Northern x
Sparrow, Fox x
Sparrow, Golden-crowned x
Sparrow, Lincoln's x
Sparrow, Song x
Sparrow, White-crowned x
Swan, Trumpeter x
Teal, Green-winged x
Towhee, Spotted x
Warbler, Orange-crowned x
Warbler, Yellow-rumped (Audubon) x
Wigeon, American x
Wren, Bewick's x
Wren, Marsh x
Yellowlegs, Greater x
Mystery Visitor at night

https://ebird.org/checklist/S209684709 a Muscovy […]

We spooked a flock of approximately. eight Chukars[…]