The forum is for information, questions and discussions about locations to go birding within British Columbia.

Im new to the forum but greatful to be here. Im from Dublin, Ireland and grew up near the salt marshes so im quite a keen amateur ecologist!!

I love to go into different environments to listen and record sound. I suppose i'm like a sonic photographer or something! I think about various microphone choices in the same way that a photographer thinks about camera lenses.

I would really love to spend sometime listening to the "lonely" calls of the loons but -as an outsider to this part of the world- i'm quite ignorant as to where to go to try and find em.

I understand that they breed and summer upon Inland Lakes and migrate to coastal areas for over wintering. However they dont call so much in Winter so im interested in travelling to a thriving spot in upcoming July.

Do any folks have some good recommendations on active spots to try ?

Any info would be truly appreciated. I'd be thrilled to share relevant recordings I make with anyone interested in hearing them!

Thanks for reading!

The best consistent Northern Loon lakes are in the interior of British Columbia. Depending on your travel freedoms and finances for places to stay, I'd suggest a road trip to the lakes north of Kamloops - there are many small fishing resorts in the area that you can look up on line - up the Jameson Creek road to the Bonaparte plateau area, or up to Little Fort on Hwy 5 and west across Hwy 24 - many road accessible lakes and fishing resorts in that area with every lake having some summer resident loons.

I've stayed at Lac Des Roches resort on Hwy 24 there and have always seen and heard the loons there.
Surprised to see four loons on the Alouette River in Pitt Meadows last week
no lonely calls, their mournful cry sends shivers up the spine
and instantly stops you when paddling a canoe

good luck
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