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Quite a few Black Headed Grosbeaks singing and foraging in Terra Nova Park this afternoon. Watched a male and female pair noshing on green Elderberry buds for a while, and while I pretended to be a bush, they got to within 4 meters of me while hopping around in the Elderberry bush. We've had the Male Black Headed Grosbeak, so here's the female:

ImageBlack Headed Grosbeak fem06 May24_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Kingbirds time - there was a pair of Eastern Kingbirds out at Iona Park in Richmond. They stayed pretty far out in the swampy area at the north base area of the South Jetty, coupled with warm, sunny conditions makes for a lot of heat shimmer for long distance photos. But, hey, identifiable...

ImageEastern Kingbird04 May30_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageEastern Kingbird11 May30_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageEastern Kingbird10 May30_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
We can add a Willow Flycatcher to the list now. I had a bit of time to kill and went back to Iona Beach Park this morning before it got too warm, and the Kingbirds seem to be gone, but I was gifted with a brief look at a nice Willow Flycatcher, that was also sporting a leg band.

ImageWillow Flycatcher04 June01_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Great to see Purple Martins are starting to occupy the new nest boxes that were placed at Garry Point in Richmond earlier this year. In spite of the flocks of Starlings around, there were at least 3 pairs of Purple Martins noted during my short visit to the point. Both male and female can be added to the list:

ImagePurple Martin06 June03_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImagePurple Martin03 June03_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
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Good sandpipers in your last two posts Randy, I've[…]


Scratching an itch


Mallard taking off
