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By jewill
I thought we had a Snow Bunting already but it's on the "still to be added" list so I guess we don't. I even tried doing a search on it but was advised that snow and bunting are too common to look for (maybe snow is common but i don't think bunting is all that common a word, even in a birding forum :?).
Anyway I'm posting my photo of said bird and if it turns out that it is a duplicate it won't be the 1st time I've done that :roll:.

ImageSnow Bunting by Jewill on Flickr
Have enjoyed the recent postings, with special mention to the Bunting, Surfbird, Lincoln Sparrow and Horned Lark shots. Judy, great that you captured those little "horns" on the Lark. I am guessing you captured the Bunting at Blackie Spit. I was out there last week, where five of them literally foraged around our feet. It was quite amazing.
ImageHudsonian Godwit by R Varga, on Flickr

Its lucky I came across a group of scopers on the Boundary Bay dike, because this bird was so far out I would never have spotted it with my bare eyes, or even binoculars. This group assured me this was a Hudsonian, and when I check the coloration of the bird in my references, am pretty sure they are right. I cropped this image aggressively to get even this small view of the bird. Look for the bird with the rusty breast in the midst of the plovers.
A small break in the weather this morning allowed a quick walk out to the river near London's Landing here in Richmond, BC. Many winter ducks showing up, watched the Shady Island Eagles chasing a few down, with one making a meal out of a slow Widgeon. But, I spied with my little eye - hey, that's not a juvenile Cormorant, or a female Common Merganser, - got the optics on it and saw a juvenile Red Throated Loon across the channel. Got a few distant photos, heavily cropped in crap light, but another bird can be crossed off the list:
ImageRed Throated Loon02 Nov11_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageRed Throated Loon01 Nov11_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Lots of great recent additions, as always. I was lucky to take a walk around Buttertubs Marsh at the right time to see these seven Canvasbacks swim a bit closer and then fly off. The very dark heads and necks on the males confused me at first.
ImageCanvasbacks by Bill Gyles, on Flickr
After a few years of not visiting Reifel Bird Sanctuary out there in Delta (Ladner), I finally made the effort. The American Avocets were still there, in snooze mode this morning. Bright overcast light, but good enough for a record photo and to cross the Avocet off the list.

ImageAmerican Avocets05 Nov26_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
While at Reifel, the obligatory photo of a Black Crowned Night Heron must be had. One was there in the usual tree near the entrance, but very well hunkered down in the mess of branches. However, a glimpse of eyes and a beak are good enough for me, and the Black Crowned Night heron can be crossed off this years list.

ImageBlack Crowned Night Heron02 Nov26_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
By jewill
Well, it seems I did it again! Bill had already posted both male and female Canvasbacks :oops: . I still don’t see the White-throated Sparrow anywhere so at least I got 1 to cross off the list.
By jewill
I’ve had a second opinion from an experienced birder and the Canvasback is a male in eclipse plumage. Not that it makes all that much difference, except to other Canvasbacks, but I thought I’d make the correction.
Lol, Judy ... I've been trying to see a Canvasback the last few years in Canada ... no luck for me so far. Glad to see y'all keeping the list going. I step away for a couple of weeks and y'all really get after it! haha. Thanks, everyone, for the contributions. Here is the updated list of YET TO BE ADDED:

We are at 236 birds for the year (so far) ... I was a little bit of a slacker this year ... I had several trips out of the Province, so I didn't get to find my normal "Higher Elevation" birds. We also had a change in the Roberts Lake area and that probably drove off a few of the birds I would have found pretty easily. Not to mention the gigantic fire we had (and a small one on Knox Mountain) made everything a little crazy this year. Here are our totals for the last 5 years of the "challenge." I've really enjoyed seeing all of the contributions ... We'll see if we make 240 this year! :mrgreen:
2023: ??
2022: 232 Birds
2021: 282 Birds
2020: 260 Birds
2019: 273 Birds
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A Pelagic Cormorant that was hanging out with DC C[…]