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Good additions Randy. All is well in my 'hood. All the birding I've been doing are of birds already on the list so I haven't had any new birds to add to the list. Here are a few of the recents from the last couple of weeks in my area:

ImageAnna's Hummingbird by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageAnna's Hummingbird by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageGreat Blue Heron by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageGreat Blue Heron by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageCooper's hawk by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageNorthern Harrier by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageLong Billed Dowitcher by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Well, that was serendipitous- the weather app indicated clouds for this morning, but the clear dawn caused me to quickly adjust and head back out to the West Dyke path in Richmond. A male Northern Harrier has been hanging around and I hoped to get some better shots if it came by. All the other distractions were along the dyke - a Merlin being chased by a Harrier, a Harrier bugging a Coyote way out there, Eagle fly-by scaring up a small flock of Snow Geese, and a few Savannah and Lincoln's Sparrows flitting about.

I was waiting for some sparrows to occupy one of the nice perches in the morning light and saw a lighter coloured sparrow perch on another stick in the reeds. Thought it was a Lincoln's Sparrow, but on closer examination, oooh, neat - a Clay Coloured Sparrow! A new to me sparrow and apparently a rare bird for this area. Well, now we can add the Clay Coloured Sparrow to the list:

ImageClay Coloured Sparrow by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageClay Coloured Sparrow by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageClay Coloured Sparrow by GMcD2008, on Flickr
After the Monday windstorm and overnight howling wind, the dawn this morning (Tuesday November 5) was calm and some bright overcast enticed me out to the London's Landing pier. Not much action but then I saw a different looking waterfowl - hmm, a Western Grebe decided to drop by and explore Steveston Channel. I don't see the Western Grebe on the Challenge List yet, so here we go. It stayed pretty far out in the channel, so heavily cropped photos and mediocre light will have to do.
ImageWestern Grebe by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageWestern Grebe by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Hello Randy! Hello GmcD! Thanks for keeping the faith (and the list) going! haha. Sorry I haven't posted in a few months, but I've been in the same situation--seeing my normal birds that are already posted. I was hoping to get some alpine/etc, but I've been traveling quite a bit over the last part of this summer and into the fall (out of BC). It kept me from doing my usual loop routines to add birds--I probably shorted us about 30 birds (I can't use my European ones. lol).

We are at 214 birds today -- thanks mainly to you two! Here's the one add I have so far (fortunately). These Turkeys ran right in front of me as I was mountain biking on Knox Mountain today. Just a cell phone picture, but it will have to do! You can see them behind me in this photo:

Here's the "Impressionist" zoom from my cell phone of them... a "flock?" of four ...

I'll put the updated list out on the other post ... again, thanks for sticking with it! I'm hoping to get a few more this winter, but my options are definitely dwindling! haha
Well -- here you go! Two days in a row. lol. My wife and I were standing in our kitchen and heard something hit the window. We thought, "Oh no, another bird strike!" ... and it was.


Definitely looked like a big strike (Eurasian-collared Dove), so we glanced out to see if it was dead. It was, because this MERLIN was sitting on top of it!! haha.

I was able to take a few pictures without scaring it off, so we just let it have its lunch. First time we've seen a Merlin at our house -- ironically enough on "Merlin Court."

One more for the list ...

I have been enjoying all the great posts this year, but have been too busy to contribute much. I have more free time now, but most of the likely birds are gone; except for the Purple Finch it seems. So here is a male Purple Finch from Cowichan Estuary a few days ago.
ImagePurple Finch by Bill Gyles, on Flickr
Hey, its great to see people checking in. I felt a certain sense of relief. At my age, when I don't hear from people (friends, fellow birders, group challenge members) for a long, unexplained reason I tend to drift to worst case scenarios (health issue, accidents, and worse...). How morbid of me!

Anyways, on a more normal level of discourse, looking for thoughts on camera harness vests. Currently am using a sling, and am finding the weight on one shoulder is leading to sore muscles on that side. GMcD: know you wear one. Any advice, tips? Or anyone else? Are there any drawbacks? What brand is best? Suggested places to purchase? (I'm in the Vancouver/Lower Mainland area).
I was incredibly lucky to be at the Nanaimo River Estuary on Tuesday, looking at a Mountain Bluebird, when my friends spotted this Black-Necked Stilt fly past. Fortunately it flew back for a photo. Rare for it to be here at all, but even more unusual in the winter.
ImageBlack-Necked Stilt by Bill Gyles, on Flickr

Regarding the problems of camera straps on well used shoulders and backs, my solution is a small backpack with chest strap. The camera can be hung by the tripod bracket on the chest strap. This distributes the load quite well and the backpack is always handy to have
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A Pelagic Cormorant that was hanging out with DC C[…]