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Great late additions to the list, Bill! You bumped us up by 7 AND added a couple of rare. Very Nice!
Our updated numbers went from 214 to 221. If we have any other "Lurkers" with some early season "I forgot to post this." Now would be the time! :mrgreen: (Zach? Ian? Judy? haha)
Great year everyone ... here are our numbers from the previous five years:
2019 - 273
2020 - 260
2021 - 282
2022 - 232
2023 - 241
We were a little short this year and I take the blame. I didn't make it out to my usual haunts early in the season. Gonna go big next year! I find it hard to believe we will have been tracking for seven years ...
Here is the link for the "Birds Outstanding": viewtopic.php?p=92212#p92212

We are short 116 (but several of those are unrealistic. However, there are some common ones that I'm surprised aren't on the list. I could have missed a couple in the post. If anyone sees ones I've missed, please let me know!

I'm going to try and get a couple of gulls at the dump before the year's end. haha.
Thanks, Bill!
While not a new bird, I did get better shots of the Turkeys in Knox Mountain Park today. My wife noticed them and told me -- I rode over on my bike and was able to locate them. There's a "flock" of four hanging around over there! Here's shots of three of them ... lol.




Knox Mountain Park is very large -- these turkeys hang out in the far Northern Section (near Magic Estates). We've seen them here for the last 3 - 5 years ...
Here are four more unearthed from the 2024 vault. The Yellow-billed Loon is heavily cropped, but fits the picture in Sibley's well. It was seen at Englishman River Estuary, off Mariner Way. The Brant Goose was at Departure Bay, the surfbirds were with Black Turnstones at Neck Point, Nanaimo and the Band-Tailed Pigeons at East Sooke Park summoning up the nerve to fly over the straight to the Olympic Peninsula.
ImageBrant Goose by Bill Gyles, on Flickr

ImageYellow-Billed Loon by Bill Gyles, on Flickr

ImageSurfbirds by Bill Gyles, on Flickr

ImageBand-Tailed Pigeons by Bill Gyles, on Flickr
Been a bit remiss with submitting photos this year... lost my focus a bit with other things going on.
Thank you everyone for your contributions... it's always fun to see what people of all areas of the province are finding. Looking ahead for a more focused 2025!
here are a couple to add to the list. Both the Tanager and Flycatcher were from Osoyoos in the Spring. I may have a couple of unprocessed shots to help fill a couple of holes but I might not get them posted before midnight tonight!
Happy New Year everyone!

Western Tanager

Least Flycatcher
lol. Happy New Year! Great adds to end the year GMcD/Randy/Bill/Ian (welcome back). I tried to get a California Gull yesterday, so I was happy to see you post it ... if you add a couple more Ian, we will still count them.

For now, our count stands at 231! Great work!! The one bird I can't believe we didn't get was the Canada Jay. We'll see what fun 2025 brings us! Happy Picture Snapping / Birdwatching / Birding / etc... :mrgreen:

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A Pelagic Cormorant that was hanging out with DC C[…]