- Jan 17 9:54 am
I've been birding for a while, and Flycatchers and Pewees are still EXTREMELY difficult to distinguish for me. I've identified a few of these birds, but I'm not sure how accurate I was. Please let me know your thoughts!
I think that this bird is a Western Wood Pewee since Merlin was picking up their calls around the area. I saw it in Kamloops near a river and meadow area.
https://blob.myblueprint.ca/oneJ5bDDSbq ... MH3880.JPG
I also think this one is a wood pewee, but again, I'm not sure. I saw it in Penticton.
https://blob.myblueprint.ca/1Igaa8tTTd2 ... MH4647.JPG
I identified this one as a rough winged swallow, but the bill looks different. I thought it could be a juvenile. I saw it in Penticton.
https://blob.myblueprint.ca/bPZYJogqSHa ... MH4535.JPG
I think this is a Least Flycatcher, but flycatchers all look extremely similar to me. I saw it in Penticton.
https://blob.myblueprint.ca/mB5pKxMfQ0G ... MH3552.JPG
I'm pretty sure this is a rough winged swallow because of the tiny bill. I saw it in Penticton.
If you're confident with your abilities to identify Pewees and Flycatchers, please help!!
I think that this bird is a Western Wood Pewee since Merlin was picking up their calls around the area. I saw it in Kamloops near a river and meadow area.
https://blob.myblueprint.ca/oneJ5bDDSbq ... MH3880.JPG
I also think this one is a wood pewee, but again, I'm not sure. I saw it in Penticton.
https://blob.myblueprint.ca/1Igaa8tTTd2 ... MH4647.JPG
I identified this one as a rough winged swallow, but the bill looks different. I thought it could be a juvenile. I saw it in Penticton.
https://blob.myblueprint.ca/bPZYJogqSHa ... MH4535.JPG
I think this is a Least Flycatcher, but flycatchers all look extremely similar to me. I saw it in Penticton.
https://blob.myblueprint.ca/mB5pKxMfQ0G ... MH3552.JPG
I'm pretty sure this is a rough winged swallow because of the tiny bill. I saw it in Penticton.
If you're confident with your abilities to identify Pewees and Flycatchers, please help!!