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Great additions of the Bittern and Clarks Nutcracker. After a morning of errands that didn't see me getting back home till early afternoon, I saw all the brilliant sunlight and had to make a walk down to the London's Landing pier to take advantage of the last couple hours of light. I was able to get a decent shot of the Bufflehead drake, and finally saw some Red Breasted Mergansers showing up. I'd already posted the Bufflehead hens earlier, but now we have the Bufflehead drake to complete the pair. And we can add the Red Breasted Merganser to the list.

ImageBufflehead drake by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageBufflehead drake by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageRed Breasted Merganser by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Nice Kingfisher - I have been chasing a local one here near home but he's very elusive.

Patience on the Red Breasted Mergansers - all my best close photos of them have been in late March/early April during salmon fry migration time. As the salmon fry are coming down the river, the fish eating birds will be plentiful and likely have better weather conditions.
GMcD wrote: Jan 18 7:53 am Nice Kingfisher - I have been chasing a local one here near home but he's very elusive.

Patience on the Red Breasted Mergansers - all my best close photos of them have been in late March/early April during salmon fry migration time. As the salmon fry are coming down the river, the fish eating birds will be plentiful and likely have better weather conditions.
Good thing I decided, last minute, to not try for the Merganser, and go to 96th for another attempt at the Harris's. Good Karma for me this morning. LOL.
Great work, everyone (thanks for adding the Clark's Nutcracker, Ian. Saves me some looking. lol)
I finally got a nice shot of a Red-Breasted Nuthatch -- I've seen them around, but haven't had great images.

I finally got a nice shot of a male California Quail (actually 2 of them) to go along with the previous female.

Both of these shots from the backyard (near Knox Mountain Park in Kelowna).
Finally, my friend Joshua and I were playing disc golf yesterday and he asked "What's that little bird there?" Lo and behold, right beside us on a tree was this Brown Creeper. He hung around while we tried to take pictures of him with our Phones. Joshua's turned out the best! lol. So here it is ... an early Brown Creeper!
Thanks for the new list. I reviewed it carefully this time and believe I can add: a Black Turnstone and Black-Bellied Plover from Qualicum Beach and a Yellow-Billed Loon from Englishman River Estuary. I saw the loon in the same place as the one I saw last November, but it is likely a different bird.
ImageBlack Turnstone by Bill Gyles, on Flickr

ImageBlack-Bellied Plover by Bill Gyles, on Flickr

ImageYellow-Billed Loon by Bill Gyles, on Flickr
An additional photo of a Red Breasted Merganser drake, taken this morning, January 22, 2025 at the London's Landing pier.

A note for Randy (NewWestBirder) - there are a few More Red Breasted Mergansers showing up in the Steveston Channel area, so if you are still looking for some photo opportunities, sunny mornings from the London's Landing pier, or the south fishing boat dock in the boat basin just west of London's Landing, should provide some looks.

ImageRed Breasted Merganser drake by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Taking advantage of the sunny mornings, I ventured down to the London's Landing pier to take in the dawn activity. Pretty quiet, the crisp cold morning was keeping things pretty slow. Hey, what are those coming across from Shady Island? Trumpeter Swans? Got the binoculars on them - hey, neat - a group of Sandhill Cranes heading northeast to the farm fields in Richmond. We can add the Sandhill Crane to the list now.

ImageSandhill Cranes by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageSandhill Cranes by GMcD2008, on Flickr

Another visitor to the pier this afternoon was a K[…]