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zwest wrote: Oct 03 6:40 pm Nice to virtually meet you James!

Wow, 1975! I've actually got a photo of myself and my sisters birding that year! :lol:

I was born in the Cariboo region of B.C. but did some time in the prairies as well (too cold). I came to Vancouver in '93 to study music at UBC, but eventually ended up in the software industry as a programmer/nerd which is what I'm doing now.

I actually 'discovered' birds only a couple of years ago when I was out photographing aircraft near YVR. I still enjoy both and rarely miss a local airshow... especially love the WW2 era planes. But birds are a truly year-round phenomenon and they keep me busy through the winter months!
hahaha. That's too funny! Excellent pic! That was definitely a nice thing about being in the AF ... I saw quite a few of the older aircraft as well as new. Oh, and I have two computer science degrees so I know about the software side. Now I make music for a hobby. 8)
zwest wrote: Oct 05 3:45 pm I was out at Iona Regional Park earlier today looking for the rare Brown Booby that has been seen for the last few weeks. No luck on that, but I did get to watch some Parasitic Jaegers:
Great! That Brown Booby would have been a nice add ... cool that someone saw it up there!
I haven't seen those Jaegers before ...
stumblingpiper wrote: Oct 20 1:21 pm
Garym wrote: Oct 20 6:45 am Where does one see this list? I have a Wilson's phalarope taken this spring in Nanaimo. Is that on the list?
Hi Gary! Here's a link to the list ... I don't think the Wilson's Phalarope is on there so that would be a great add!
Wilson’s is there, but we still need Red Phalarope.
zwest wrote: Oct 20 3:13 pm
stumblingpiper wrote: Oct 20 1:21 pm
Garym wrote: Oct 20 6:45 am Where does one see this list? I have a Wilson's phalarope taken this spring in Nanaimo. Is that on the list?
Hi Gary! Here's a link to the list ... I don't think the Wilson's Phalarope is on there so that would be a great add!
Wilson’s is there, but we still need Red Phalarope.ImageThrush - Dusky by Gary Magnusson, on Flickr
It's been a long time since I posted to this site. Hope I've got it right.
Dusky Thrush taken in Namnaimo in January.
I realized why Gary didn't see the list ... I forgot to include it with my post on the last page. Here it is updated with current numbers / names. Thanks for the contributions everyone! Really excited how far we've taken it this year: 265 Birds (so far).

Any islanders who can add the Pygmy Owl? That Snowy Owl in Chilliwack would be cool. :) Oh, and if anyone has a picture of the Brown Booby Zach was trying to find ... please add! A Ptarmigan would be nice too. haha.
Update link here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=16391&p=89265#p89265
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Another visitor to the pier this afternoon was a K[…]