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Great! lol. Love the adds ... I feel like I've been short on contributions through the summer. It's been tough trying to see the new birds I want to see. Today I was MTB'ing and saw a whole group of White-breasted and Pygmy Nuthatches, Mountain and Black-capped Chickadees ... but just no new ones lately.
stumblingpiper wrote: Sep 05 7:49 pm Great! lol. Love the adds ... I feel like I've been short on contributions through the summer. It's been tough trying to see the new birds I want to see. Today I was MTB'ing and saw a whole group of White-breasted and Pygmy Nuthatches, Mountain and Black-capped Chickadees ... but just no new ones lately.
I hope fall brings you many goodies. :mrgreen:

Here are a couple from this week in Delta, a Curlew Sandpiper:


and an American Golden-plover:

I can finally add one! A Golden-crowned Kinglet. I don't see it on the list yet so I'm going for it.
As usual I went to great lengths to get this picture...I had to put down my coffee, pick up the camera and then get her in frame and focus before pressing the shutter all the way down :lol:.
The pictures that have been added recently are simply outstanding. Nice work Zach on all of your shorebirds, some of them are quite rare. Congratulations!

ImageGolden-crowned Kinglet (Female) by Jewill on Flickr
Nice ones Judy and Marilyn!

I've seen a few new birds this past week as the fall rush has started coming in.

Yesterday we had an Ash-throated Flycatcher in Delta:

There are also some Buff-breasted Sandpipers around:

And a couple of Spizella sparrows, the Brewer's and the Clay-colored:

And last (and least, because it's a lousy photo), a Horned Lark:
lol. Great work Zach, Judy and Marilyn on adding to the list ... I haven't been able to get out on any birding trips for the last 3 weeks ... planning a trip on Saturday to White Lake Basin ... I hope to see a few "migrators" still ...
zwest wrote:It looks like Chrome has decided to break this thread by disabling my "http" images. You can fix it if you like by clicking on the padlock next to the address, going to 'Site Settings' and allowing "Insecure content."
I can still see your images and I'm using Chrome. I tried both on my iPad and desktop with no problems on either one.
BTW, nice additions Zach, especially the Pelican.
jewill wrote: Sep 28 7:38 pm
zwest wrote:It looks like Chrome has decided to break this thread by disabling my "http" images. You can fix it if you like by clicking on the padlock next to the address, going to 'Site Settings' and allowing "Insecure content."
I can still see your images and I'm using Chrome. I tried both on my iPad and desktop with no problems on either one.
BTW, nice additions Zach, especially the Pelican.
Me too, Zach! And, I agree with Judy, really nice additions...
stumblingpiper wrote: Oct 02 7:35 am
jewill wrote: Sep 28 7:38 pm
zwest wrote:It looks like Chrome has decided to break this thread by disabling my "http" images. You can fix it if you like by clicking on the padlock next to the address, going to 'Site Settings' and allowing "Insecure content."
I can still see your images and I'm using Chrome. I tried both on my iPad and desktop with no problems on either one.
BTW, nice additions Zach, especially the Pelican.
Me too, Zach! And, I agree with Judy, really nice additions...
Thanks James - my tablet and phone were never affected either (yet), but both the Windows desktop and Macbook auto-updated to this new security option a few days ago. It's easy enough to undo, but not everyone would know where to look...

I believe we still needed a Parasitic Jaeger:

You'll have to take my word for it - it was a little clearer in the scope :lol:
Man, I'm glad you've been posting, Zach--looks like you've had some nice birds around ... I've had zero new ones but a lot of oldies, but goodies here in Kelowna. My wife went for a bike ride without me a week ago and saw Wild Turkeys in our park ... she couldn't get a picture. haha. I'm hoping to see them as well ... and still hoping for a few more additions from others!
Wow, Zach ... you have been carrying the load for the last few months! haha. Here's a new one from our yard! My wife heard this little owl catch some dinner ... she called me and I was able to snap a few photos. Northern Pygmy Owl! It has a House Finch in its grasp ... caught right by our feeder. Go figure....

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Another visitor to the pier this afternoon was a K[…]