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So far, we are at 250 birds for the year! Way to go everyone!
Here's the link to the list: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=16511&start=15

Last year, we ended up with about 272 ... so about 22 more birds. So far this year, we've seen 20 birds we didn't photograph last year. That means we are short 42 birds from last year ... I'm including the list below of "missing" birds. If anyone has a photo of any of these birds from this year, please include it in our list! I'm hoping to find that elusive Turkey still ... lol. Maybe a couple of more owls/etc. Almost down to the last month! Thanks again to everyone who has participated!
--- "Missing Birds" --- :mrgreen:
Crossbill, White-winged
Duck, Long-tailed
Eagle, Golden
Finch, Cassin's
Flycatcher, Least
Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray
Godwit, Bar-tailed
Grebe, Red-necked
Grouse, Dusky
Grouse, Ruffed
Grouse, Spruce
Gull, Glaucous
Gull, Herring
Gull, Iceland (Thayer's)
Hawk, Swainson's
Hawk: Sharp-shinned
Loon, Pacific
Loon, Red-throated
Loon, Yellow-billed
Merganser, Red-breasted
Night Heron, Black-crowned
Owl, Northern Hawk Owl
Owl, Northern Saw-whet
Owl, Short-eared
Partridge, Gray
Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed
Sandpiper, Stilt
Scaup, Greater
Scoter, White-winged
Sparrow, Chipping
Swan, Trumpeter
Swift, White-throated
Tern, Arctic
Tern, Common
Thrush, Dusky
Turkey, Wild
Warbler, Cape May
Warbler, Tennessee
Waxwing, Bohemian
Woodpecker, American Three-toed
Wren, Rock
Well, ask and you shall receive! I didn't realize we still needed these 2. That was a good idea to list the "missing" birds. If it ever stops raining here I should be able to get a couple more on the list (I won't name them in case someone else gets them first!).
The recent adds by Zach and you James are just outstanding. The Northern Mockingbird, Rough-legged Hawk and Northern Pygmy Owl are particulary nice.

ImageRed-necked Grebe by Jewill on Flickr
It's in non-breeding plumage but what are you going to do this late in the year?

ImageRed-breasted Merganser (Female) by Jewill on Flickr
I think this is a Greater Scaup (round head with a slight green tinge, large bill) although I stand to be corrected.

ImageGreater Scaup (Female) by Jewill on Flickr
We finally got a break in the weather (at least for a few hours) so I headed to the pier at White Rock.

ImageWhite-winged Scoter (Male) by Jewill on Flickr
You three have some awesome shots! I'm trying my best to add at least one or two more before the end of the challenge ... difficult, to say the least. That short-eared owl! wow! and that white-winged scoter ... really nice. I like that flycatcher, too, Zach. really nice stuff!
Well, I have us at 259 birds with just a few days left in 2020! Great work all the way around. I'll give it my best shot for a couple of these ... I realized 11 of the missing birds were ones I submitted last year ... hmmm. I must not have gone to the right places this time. haha. 2019 total was 273 ...

Well, the birds have definitely remained active through the winter -- two nights ago, we heard a Barred Owl hooting along with a Great Horned Owl ... just couldn't see them. We've also had this flock of Bluebirds hanging around.


You can't see all of them, but there were 10 Western Bluebirds, 2 House Finches, and an American Goldfinch ... still here for the winter I guess ...

Now if I could just get one of those Wild Turkeys to show up in the yard ... lol...

Here's the paired down list of missing birds:
Crossbill, White-winged
Eagle, Golden
Finch, Cassin's
Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray
Godwit, Bar-tailed
Grouse, Dusky
Grouse, Ruffed
Grouse, Spruce
Gull, Glaucous
Gull, Herring
Gull, Iceland (Thayer's)
Hawk, Swainson's
Hawk: Sharp-shinned
Loon, Pacific
Loon, Red-throated
Loon, Yellow-billed
Night Heron, Black-crowned
Owl, Northern Hawk Owl
Owl, Northern Saw-whet
Partridge, Gray
Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed
Sandpiper, Stilt
Sparrow, Chipping
Swift, White-throated
Tern, Arctic
Tern, Common
Thrush, Dusky
Turkey, Wild
Warbler, Cape May
Warbler, Tennessee
Waxwing, Bohemian
Woodpecker, American Three-toed
Wren, Rock
Well for a year that saw us all keeping our distance from everyone else and staying indoors as much as possible I think we did pretty well. I was meaning to go out to Reifel where it’s almost a sure-thing to see a Black-crowned Night Heron and fairly good odds for a Northern Saw-whet Owl but I never made it there and they will be closed for the rest of the year after the 24th.
So unless a Northern Hawk Owl or (better yet) a wild Turkey decides to land in the green space out back of my condo I’m done for the year.
I want to wish all who enjoy birding and support this forum the Merriest Christmas you can have, in spite of the restrictions, and a Healthy New Year!
Thank you James for leading this and the other challenge threads. I know at times it can seem like no one is interested but don’t forget about all of the lurkers out there (just look at the number of views each thread got). I really liked participating and seeing what others had achieved.
Cheers to all.
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Another visitor to the pier this afternoon was a K[…]