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zwest wrote: Sep 30 5:06 pm
NewWestBirder wrote: Sep 30 8:50 am Semi-palmated Sandpiper
This one is a Pectoral. Nice photos!
Oh good grief...of course it is..and I knew this because Merlin had told me the same thing. Not sure how I got my wires crossed, but going to put this down as another seniors moment. Thanks for catching this.
Hey, I'm still around and have been checking on our progress from time to time. Once again the photos are outstanding (I'm jealous). I was surprised to learn that we didn't have a Steller's Jay yet - BC's provincial bird!

ImageSteller's Jay by Jewill on Flickr
We have to get to work to get the gaps filled on our list...
I dipped on the Bobolink this year as well as the Sage Thrasher...
Haven't given up entirely on the Rock Wren but time is running out. Here are a few from the missing list that I managed to find this year. Keep up the fight guys!

Cassins Finch (male)

Cassins Finch (female)

American Kestrel

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Another visitor to the pier this afternoon was a K[…]