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By jewill
Inspired by GMcD's Mountain Bluebird I went out to Iona this morning in search of both blue and yellow birds. I was not prepared for how cold and windy it was. I eventually found both of my target birds so that made it worthwhile.

A cute little female Mountain Bluebird (1st time I've seen a female of the species)
ImageMountain Bluebird (Female) by Jewill on Flickr

I only found 1 Yellow-headed Blackbird, but that's all I needed. He certainly wasn't shy, I guess looking for handouts.
ImageYellow-headed Blackbird (Male) by Jewill on Flickr

Hey, what happened to Spring??
By jewill
I went down to Blackie Spit this morning. It was pretty quiet but I did manage to come away with these 3 additions.

Not the greatest picture as the tide was out so they were quite far away, but I'll take it.
ImageCaspian Tern by Jewill on Flickr

ImageSavannah Sparrow by Jewill on Flickr

ImageAmerican Crow by Jewill on Flickr

Nice catch on the Sharpie Randy. Don't you love it when the birds come to you like that? It makes up for all of the missed ones.
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2024 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

GMcD: what a great find...i.e. the Clay Colored S[…]