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Judy, I must say I have really enjoyed reading your nuggets of wisdom you have passed on every now and then, the latest being the way you identify male vs. female varied thrushes. My goodness, you should teach a course!
In comparison to Judy's learned response to Patricks request for our thoughts on the thrush's sex and maturity, I was simply going to say "It should wait until its an adult."
By jewill
NewWestBirder wrote:Judy, I must say I have really enjoyed reading your nuggets of wisdom you have passed on every now and then, the latest being the way you identify male vs. female varied thrushes. My goodness, you should teach a course!
:oops: Aw…thanks.
See, Pat. It wasn't a duplicate! lol. Nice Rock Pigeon, Randy. Love it. Also, that Dowitcher is cool ... we have enough birds now I should update the list! :D
By zwest
stumblingpiper wrote: Jan 27 11:23 am See, Pat. It wasn't a duplicate! lol. Nice Rock Pigeon, Randy. Love it. Also, that Dowitcher is cool ... we have enough birds now I should update the list! :D
I should mention the Lesser Scaup in my Tufted Duck pic… I don’t think we have that one yet either ;)
By jewill
Once again I spent some time patio birding this afternoon. Nothing too unusual showed up but I did hear the unmistakable hooting of a Barred Owl (I know, this is a photo challenge, not an audio :D). It was nice to know that at least 1 is still around and I hope he/she makes an appearance soon.
I meant to say that I particulary like your Bufflehead Patrick; Randy's Long-billed Dowitcher and Fox Sparrow are very nice as well.
Here are 3 more additions to the list:

Female Spotted Towhee (paler, sort of brownish hood as opposed to the male's jet black hood)
ImageSpotted Towhee (Female) by Jewill on Flickr

The ever-rare :mrgreen: Song Sparrow. This is not the greatest picture because the light was fading but I liked the way it was hiding in the tree among the rain-soaked branches.
ImageSong Sparrow by Jewill on Flickr

Black-capped Chickadee - I haven't seen any Chestnut-backed Chickadees around lately; hopefully they will come back when the weather warms up a bit.
ImageBlack-capped Chickadee by Jewill on Flickr

By jewill
Smithers wrote:We got rained on in Stanley Park today and then the Sun came out. It lit up this Wood Duck near Lost Lagoon.Pat
Wow! You are right...that Wood Duck looks so beautiful with the sun bringing out his iridescence like that. Very well done and congratulations Pat.

To compliment that picture, and to complete the set, here's a female Wood Duck at Brydon Lagoon in Langley today (yes, I actually made it off the patio!). It looks like she's standing on top of the water but it's actually a very thin layer of ice. I didn't think it had been all that cold but the ducks were slip-sliding all over the place (it was quite amusing watching them).
ImageWood Duck (Female) by Jewill on Flickr

And to complete another one of Pat's - a female Bufflehead at the pier in White Rock.
ImageBufflehead (Female) by Jewill on Flickr

Also from the pier - a Pelagic Cormorant in his/her winter plumage (kind of dull).
ImagePelagic Cormorant by Jewill on Flickr

There were lots of these at the pier today - White-winged Scoter (Male & Female together)
ImageWhite-winged Scoter (Male & Female) by Jewill on Flickr

And to finish, an American Robin at Brydon Lagoon. I'm guessing it's a male because of the dark rust colour of the breast.
ImageAmerican Robin (Male) by Jewill on Flickr

James...how's the list coming along? Just thought I'd bug you about it because I'm old you know :roll: and it's hard to keep track of what we have. Thanks!!
Hi all,
I'm Back and I have some additions!

Brewer's Blackbird
ImageAdam Ross, sur Flickr[/img]

Peregrine Falcon:
ImageAdam Ross, sur Flickr[/img]

Barred Owl:
ImageAdam Ross, sur Flickr[/img]

Ring-Necked Duck
ImageAdam Ross, sur Flickr[/img]

Swamp Sparrow:
ImageAdam Ross, sur Flickr[/img]

Bald Eagle:
ImageAdam Ross, sur Flickr[/img]

American Dipper:
ImageAdam Ross, sur Flickr[/img]

and, of cource, yes I got lucky, HORNED PUFFIN!!!:
ImageAdam Ross, sur Flickr[/img]

Please excuse any doubles,
Adam Ross
Oak Bay
By jewill
I like your Brewer's Blackbird, Barred Owl and American Dipper Adam. And the lighting on your Heron is very nice Pat.
A couple more from the backyard.

A female Downy Woodpecker just before she hopped over to the suet feeder. The male has to be around somewhere.
ImageDowny Woodpecker (Female) by Jewill on Flickr

And an appearance by a Chestnut-backed Chickadee (they've been scarce this winter for some reason).
ImageChestnut-backed Chickadee by Jewill on Flickr
By jewill
Smithers wrote: Judy, I had forgotten that you had submitted a Song Sparrow :oops: .
No worries Pat.

You beat me to the Barred Owl Adam! Nice Brewer's Blackbird and Dipper as well. Congrats on the Horned Puffin - I can only dream of seeing one.

I headed down to Blackie Spit this morning. It was quite windy so I'm assuming that's why there weren't many songbirds out. It doesn't seem to affect the ducks though so here are a couple of additions:

I know that Randy already posted both the male and female Eurasian Wigeon a while back, but how about this - both types of Wigeons, both genders of each and all in the same frame!!ImageAmerican Wigeon/Eurasion Wigeon (Male & Female) by Jewill on Flickr

Again we already have the male Northern Pintail (by Patrick) but here is another male with his harem of 7 females (although no one wanted to face the camera).
ImageNorthern Pintail (Male & Female) by Jewill on Flickr

Sorry about the duplicates; it's hard to crop them out without ruining the picture.
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2025 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

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