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I went out to the 112th. St. pump house on Boundary Bay as the two Willets have been reported there continuing all weekend. Grey overcast, crappy light, snoozing bird,but good enough for a record photo and to add it to the Challenge list:

ImageWillet05 Sept04_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
While not on the Challenge List, an American Golden Plover made an appearance at the Iona Park SW Inner Pond while I was watching the sandpipers flit around. The cloudy conditions brightened in the early afternoon and provided some reasonable ID photos. The bird stayed far out on the mud flats, maybe 70 meters away and could only be viewed off the pipeline there.

ImageAmerican Golden Plover15 Sept06_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr

ImageAmerican Golden Plover14 Sept06_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Goodness, but that 112th/Boundary Bay dike pump station location has been a veritable gold mine of bird activity. Willets, Whimbrel, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, American Golden Plover (got my shot of it today), Horned Grebe, a couple of different sandpipers...but sadly, no Black Pheobe. Maybe tomorrow! :D
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Another visitor to the pier this afternoon was a K[…]