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Hi Everyone! Hard to believe we have made it to 2023 ... but here we are and I'm ready for our new challenge. This year we'll keep it simple ... Birds from BC photographed in BC. lol. I'm going to try and get some Eastern BC birds this year ... hopefully we'll get some of the ones we missed from 2022. I'm not setting a goal this year -- just going free form! I look forward to seeing all of your contributions!

Since it was first last year, I think, I'll post this Townsend's Solitaire photographed today in my backyard.
Sorry it's a little fuzzy -- gonna fix that camera thing this year. haha.
James Clark
I realized this is the 5th year of our Challenge! Just wanted to say thanks for the participation ...
Our numbers from previous years: 2019: 273, 2020: 260, 2021: 282, 2022: 232 ... we did slip a little last year--I was slow on the uptake and missed a few of my normal ones. I find it funny that the first bird in 4 of my 5 years is always this Townsend's Solitaire. Oh well ... at least I'm consistent. :mrgreen:
ImageRock Sandpiper (Calidris ptilocnemis) by Randy Varga, on Flickr

Rock Sandpiper. (A nice way to start the new year!)

Hello everyone, and Happy New Year. I want to say that I really had fun being a part of this group in 2022. I enjoyed seeing your photos, sharing mine, and watching our 'birds seen" collection grow. As an added bonus, from reading your entries, I got some great ideas on where to find interesting birding destinations. Thanks for the tips.
Thanks Pat and Randy for the early contributions! I don't think I've ever seen a Rock Sandpiper.
It's a pleasure having y'all contribute. I realized (too) that I was neglecting the common birds last year ... so here's a couple to get me back in the game! House Sparrow and House Finch at my House. lol.

As an added bonus, my wife snapped this shot of a Trumpeter Swan on the Okanagan Lake in downtown, Kelowna.

I decided to get on my bike, ride up and down Knox Mountain today, to get a few bird pictures down at the Lake Front. I was adequately rewarded for my efforts. Here's a Mallard. haha.

Even more impressive ... a Coot. lol

It got better ... I have these male and female Greater Scaups:

For Judy, I have the male and female Hooded Merganser in one picture!

And I saw this solitary guy out there ... A red-necked Grebe (Winter Version)!

By jewill
Ha, ha...thanks for the Hoodies James! I just have not been out much at all lately, however on my way home from work today, just as the sun was starting to set, I drove by the Turf Farm on 72nd Street in Delta and found the resident Male and Female sitting in their nest tree. They were accompanied by what looks like a 3rd or 4th year Immature which could possibly be one of their offspring. Anyway, even though they were getting ready for bed by preening, so were not posing as best as they could, I submit this as my first entry to the 2023 challenge.

ImageBald Eagle (Adult M & F + an Immature) by Jewill on Flickr
Haha ... Excellent addition, Judy! It will be hard to top male/female + offspring ... maybe I'll get a covey of Quail ... however, for today--I'll just add this flock of Bohemian Waxwings. There must be ~200 around the area (Magic Estates near Knox Mountain Park, Kelowna) flying around in groups of 30+ looking for Mountain Ash berries. Fortunately, they landed close enough to the house that I could snap a few photos!
By jewill
What a dreary, rainy and all around miserable day! However that didn't stop me from spending a bit of time on the patio having a coffee and watching the back yard birds.

This looks like it's almost a full-on Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker (red nape patch and yellow undertail; one thing that indicates an intergrade is his red malar stripe, not black). Compare the colour of his undertail with the next photo of a more common for around here Red-shafted Northern Flicker (note: these pictures have been cropped but not colour enhanced).
ImageNorthern Flicker (Male - Intergrade) by Jewill on Flickr

ImageNorthern Flicker (Male) by Jewill on Flickr

And just for good measure a Varied Thrush. There were 2 males hanging around but I haven't seen a female this year, not yet anyway.
ImageVaried Thrush (Male) by Jewill on Flickr

Keep on birding everyone - Spring is coming!!
I saw that the Sun was going to come out today, so we just had to get out...

Image169A0500-Western Grebe Immature by Patrick Covello, on Flickr

I believe this is an immature Western Grebe. Please let me know if I don't have this right. It was fishing near the Iona Island South Jetty today.

Image169A0521-Northern Pintail by Patrick Covello, on Flickr

...and a Northern Pintail, also at the Iona South Jetty.

By jewill
Pat, I think that is a very nice picture of a Horned Grebe (Merlin calls it a Slavonian Grebe) in winter plumage. A Western would have a longer neck and bill, plus the bill would be yellow. Just my 3 cents worth. I like your Pintail too with the reflection and all.
A few more from the backyard. At least it wasn't raining today!

Female Pileated Woodpecker making an awful lot of noise around the suet feeder but being quite skittish as well. I was lucky to get this photo at all because every time I so much as moved to raise the camera she would take off.
ImagePileated Woodpecker (Female) by Jewill on Flickr

Male Bushtit (dark eyes; female would have light eyes)
ImageBushtit (Male) by Jewill on Flickr

Bewick's Wren; can't tell the gender but I guess it only matters to other Bewick's Wrens.
ImageBewick's Wren by Jewill on Flickr
Smithers wrote: Jan 14 4:00 pm I saw that the Sun was going to come out today, so we just had to get out...

Image169A0500-Western Grebe Immature by Patrick Covello, on Flickr

I believe this is an immature Western Grebe. Please let me know if I don't have this right. It was fishing near the Iona Island South Jetty today.

CORRECTION: Horned Grebe

Image169A0521-Northern Pintail by Patrick Covello, on Flickr

...and a Northern Pintail, also at the Iona South Jetty.

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Another visitor to the pier this afternoon was a K[…]