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Nice work this last month boosting numbers everyone! I was out of pocket for about a month ... my US Bird Pictures don't count. haha. Nice to have you back, Randy and "GreyingJay" ... :D

I was able to get out yesterday for a little bird-lookin' ... Munson Pond in Kelowna offered up a pair of Merlins, but we already had that one. haha. However, I noticed we didn't have a White-breasted Nuthatch, so I took a quick trip into Knox Mountain Park to find one.

I also stopped at Robert's Lake by the Landfill to see what was available ... we had a pair of transiting Red-Necked Phalaropes giving us a little show!

Our birds are definitely flocking here and some have already departed ... I'll keep working on the list!
Currently at 217 birds ... steady progress! Here's the list:
Try as I might, it has been difficult to get any turkeys this year. Also, people who live around Robert's Lake have been changing the landscape, putting in fill dirt, etc -- so the prime conditions for Avocets and Stilts wasn't there this year. They might have been around, but I didn't see them. I have one (or two) last chances for a Canyon Wren this week or next.
We had more woodpeckers/sapsuckers this year, but fewer owls.

(Ian - any chance for a Sage Thrasher or Rock Wren?)

Here's the list of birds still missing:
By jewill
I'm back...not that I went anywhere, I just haven't been out birding like I should have. Anyway, here's a slightly better pic (than the one I previously posted) of the Green Heron at Brydon Lagoon.

ImageGreen Heron by Jewill on Flickr

And a Gadwall couple (I only had the male last time)

ImageGadwall (Mr. & Mrs.) by Jewill on Flickr

I took the long walk out to the end of the Iona Park South Jetty yesterday for the morning light - found a flock of 350+ Western Sandpipers covering the rocks and driftwood out there, and on the other side, a lonely Surfbird on a rock. I notice the Surfbird isn't on the "found" list, - so here it is:
ImageSurfbird05 Sept17_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
American crow (AMCR) and northwestern crow (NWCR) were lumped into one species (American Crow) a couple years back. you are correct though, this is a american crow.

Finally able to add another bird to the list - many gulls of all kinds showing up along the river at Gilbert Beach these days - so I managed an Olympic Gull (Western/Glaucous cross) hanging out with a Mew Gull and a Ring Billed Gull this afternoon. The Olympic Gull at the top of the trio here.

ImageGulls03 Oct22_2023 by GMcD2008, on Flickr
By jewill
Sorry, I see now that we already have both the male and female HOLA posted by GMcD back in April. I got the “still to be seen” bird list confused with the regular list and…well, let’s just leave it at that. :roll:
Great work keeping up with stuff Judy, Bill, and GMcD! Sorry about the Northerwestern Crow thing ... lol. I will remove it (unfortunately). Love the pics -- especially your Horned Lark, Judy. Sorry it's been a while since I've been on ... it's been a really busy year for me! haha. Ok ... I hate to do this, but my wife and I were driving Commonage Road in Lake Country on the 22d of September and we saw two huge flocks of Wild Turkeys. Do you think I would have my camera with me? no. So, here are a couple of poor Cell Phone shots to at least add to our list! lol.

This first flock had about 30 birds in it ...

The second flock (a little further down the road) had about 15 to 20 birds. Cool.

Sorry about the image quality ... haha. Oh well. They count! :mrgreen:
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2025 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!
