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Loved looking at all the recent additions. Some great photos, and I think a few birds that we didn't see last year. And a big welcome to who I think may be some new contributors.
By jewill
Very impressive additions lately. Congratulations to all of our talented photographers.
I made it out to Piper Spit at Burnaby Lake Regional Park today. I was specifically looking for the Mandarin Duck (Trevor) whom I haven't seen in over a year now, so I was getting a little worried. He was reported there on eBird a few days ago so I guess he's still around. He was still a no-show for me but I did come away with a couple of additions for the list.

Sandhill Crane
ImageSandhill Crane by Jewill on Flickr

Randy gave us a beautiful male Green-winged Teal, so here's a female to complete the set.
ImageGreen-winged Teal (Female) by Jewill on Flickr

Red-winged Blackbird - Male
ImageRed-winged Blackbird (Male) by Jewill on Flickr

Red-winged Blackbird - Female
ImageRed-winged Blackbird (Female) by Jewill on Flickr
By jewill
BillGyles wrote: The rail shot isn't so good, but you should have seen the ones I missed.
Ha, ha :lol:. Well said! I’ve got lots of really great shots that I missed too.
I think your Virginia Rail pic is just fine, especially since it was a lifer for you - congratulations.
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2024 Photo Challenge - All BC Birds!

GMcD: what a great find...i.e. the Clay Colored S[…]