Spring is in the air - at least today it is. I knew I had to go somewhere so I checked out my favourite birding site, Brydon Lagoon. I was not disappointed - nice weather, nice people and even all the dogs were well behaved and on leash!
I got 2 more for the list at Brydon -
Beautiful Wood Ducks and both in the same frame!
Wood Duck (Male & Female) by
Jewill on Flickr
A female Ruddy Duck, when she decided to wake up which was only for a few minutes; otherwise she spent the entire time I was there sleeping with her head tucked under her wing.
Ruddy Duck (Female) by
Jewill on Flickr
And then back home, taken from the patio, another addition to the list, a Mourning Dove.
Mourning Dove by
Jewill on Flickr
I'm going to add this photo of a Dark-eyed Junco even though we already have one - a Male Oregon; this one is a Female Slate-coloured (I haven't seen this sub-species in a few years so it was nice that she paid a visit).
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-coloured - Female) by
Jewill on Flickr
I see you just updated the list James (sorry I missed getting in on it) - we are now at 84 birds I think.