Great shots everyone! Love your Starling, Judy. lol. Glad to see you back, Ian! I was in your neck of the woods today (White Lake Eco Reserve) and was able to finally add a few birds to our collection. I had a Spotted Sandpiper, but terrible photo. Here are two less common additions on our list:
Nashville Warbler

Cassin's (Solitary) Vireo
More common but nice:
Western Bluebird
Chipping Sparrow
I know we have this guy, but I needed at least one good picture to post from there: Brewer's Blackbird (lol)
A few days ago I was hiking at Black Mountain Regional Park and added these lovelies.
Calliope Hummingbird
Vesper Sparrow
Also at Black Mountain, I'm "pretty sure" this is a Dusky Flycatcher.
Now if only I could get my images to look like Ian's! haha.
Happy Birding, everyone!