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A nice morning on the London's Landing pier, cool breeze, Shady Island eagles were active, Mom brought back a nice big flounder for junior to nosh on for breakfast. I heard the Crows yelling and carrying on, then heard the low trilling of a Raven. A pair of Ravens were flying over with the Crows expressing their displeasure. The Common Raven isn't on the Challenge List yet, so I snapped an overhead fly-by shot of one of the Ravens for the list:
ImageCommon Raven by GMcD2008, on Flickr
Good sandpipers in your last two posts Randy, I've been trying to get out to hit some shorebirds but the last two weeks haven't provided me with a tide and free time coincidental opportunity. All I've been able to get are the low tide visits here at London's Landing from the Killdeers, Yellowlegs (both Greater and Lesser) and the odd time a Spotted Sandpiper shows up. My last Iona park visit at least got me a Baird's Sandpiper and the usual Least Sandpipers. Maybe next week I can try to get a tide and free time window lined up.
Sorry, forgot to add that I met this little Wren in the Haynes Lease Ecological Area, just above Road 22 and the Oxbows, in Osoyoos. Broke up my road trip into 4 hour driving days, so stopped in Osoyoos overnight before heading on to Creston.
ImageJuvenile White-faced Ibis? (Plegadis chihi) by Randy, on Flickr

Feel so grateful the birding gods steered me to Iona Regional Park this morning, as it was a toss up in my mind: Iona or Boundary Bay. The fellow who had found it was already there, and after my arrival, a group of birder royalty showed up shortly after. It was quite a scene, (in a nice way). The very experience group were not sure whether this was a White-faced or Glossy Ibis, as the juvenile versions look the same. Some of them were going to do further research and if I find out there has been confirmation one way or the other I will let you know. I'm going with the White-faced version because its normal range makes it more likely its our visitor.
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A Pelagic Cormorant that was hanging out with DC C[…]