zwest wrote: ↑Jun 09 1:37 pm
I got your Bullock's, James
And an Eastern Kingbird:
Lol. Darn it, Zach! Those are the two birds I was gonna add today!
Well ... I did get a few more to add.
First, down at the Oxbows in Osoyoos, I got this pair of Cinnamon Teals:
Also, this Say's Phoebe. I was surprised to see we didn't have this one yet:
I went over to Black Mountain Regional Park last week and was able to snap these two fuzzy shots. haha. At least they are identifiable! Here's a Common Nighthawk:
... and a Turkey Vulture:
As I usually say, if someone gets a better shot, please add it! In that vein, here are two better shots of the Lazuli Bunting and the Vesper Sparrow (also from Black Mountain):
Happy Bird Looking everyone!