This forum is for asking questions and providing answers on bird identification. New and visiting birders are encouraged to ask and participate.
By RyanSadio
Hello everyone.

I had a recent visitor in my backyard where I usually see Chickadees, House Finches, Flickers, Downy Woodpeckers, Nuthatch, & Bushtits. I have bird feeders so I also have a small mice/rat problem. Today, I saw this large(?) bird sitting in the apple tree and I'm interested to know what it is. It is looking towards the underside of the balcony where the mice/rat usually come from.

Location: Killarney, Vancouver
Time: Dec 9, 2:53PM PST
Guess: A quick internet image search suggests it is a juvenile Cooper's Hawk. Unfortunately, I don't have a zoom lens so I had to crop the image.


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By stumblingpiper
Hi Ryan! It does look like a Cooper's Hawk. The other alternative would be Sharp-shinned Hawk but I think it is too large for that bird. Looking for a tasty meal! :)
By RyanSadio
stumblingpiper wrote: Dec 17 6:25 pm Hi Ryan! It does look like a Cooper's Hawk. The other alternative would be Sharp-shinned Hawk but I think it is too large for that bird. Looking for a tasty meal! :)
Hi James! Thank you for your response. It is mighty exciting if that is the case! A couple summers ago, I caught another bird of prey (might have been a hawk) snatch a flicker feeding in the suet feeder. I was equally horrified and amazed at the same time. It is cool to know there is a healthy ecosystem of bird fauna within the city. Not so much about the rats. 🐭
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By stumblingpiper
I live in Kelowna ... we've had a small Falcon (a Merlin) hanging around this winter. I've seen a lot fewer of my normal birds because of it. haha. We saw him grab a big Eurasian-collared Dove ... almost as big as he/she was...

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