This area is for BC birding news, events and related announcements.
By skeller
In 2012 there were 381 different species of birds were spotted in BC!! Below is a list I got off ebird.

Happy birding in 2013!

1 Greater White-fronted Goose
2 Snow Goose
3 Ross's Goose
4 Brant
5 Cackling Goose
6 Canada Goose
7 Mute Swan
8 Trumpeter Swan
9 Tundra Swan
10 Wood Duck
11 Gadwall
12 Eurasian Wigeon
13 American Wigeon
14 Mallard
15 Blue-winged Teal
16 Cinnamon Teal
17 Northern Shoveler
18 Northern Pintail
19 Green-winged Teal
20 Canvasback
21 Redhead
22 Ring-necked Duck
23 Greater Scaup
24 Lesser Scaup
25 Harlequin Duck
26 Surf Scoter
27 White-winged Scoter
28 Black Scoter
29 Long-tailed Duck
30 Bufflehead
31 Common Goldeneye
32 Barrow's Goldeneye
33 Hooded Merganser
34 Common Merganser
35 Red-breasted Merganser
36 Ruddy Duck
37 California Quail
38 Chukar
39 Gray Partridge
40 Ring-necked Pheasant
41 Ruffed Grouse
42 Spruce Grouse
43 Willow Ptarmigan
44 Rock Ptarmigan
45 White-tailed Ptarmigan
46 Dusky Grouse
47 Sooty Grouse
48 Sharp-tailed Grouse
49 Wild Turkey
50 Red-throated Loon
51 Arctic Loon
52 Pacific Loon
53 Common Loon
54 Yellow-billed Loon
55 Pied-billed Grebe
56 Horned Grebe
57 Red-necked Grebe
58 Eared Grebe
59 Western Grebe
60 Clark's Grebe
61 Laysan Albatross
62 Black-footed Albatross
63 Northern Fulmar
64 Pink-footed Shearwater
65 Flesh-footed Shearwater
66 Sooty Shearwater
67 Short-tailed Shearwater
68 Manx Shearwater
69 Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel
70 Leach's Storm-Petrel
71 Brandt's Cormorant
72 Double-crested Cormorant
73 Pelagic Cormorant
74 American White Pelican
75 Brown Pelican
76 American Bittern
77 Great Blue Heron
78 Great Egret
79 Snowy Egret
80 Green Heron
81 Black-crowned Night-Heron
82 White-faced Ibis
83 Turkey Vulture
84 Osprey
85 Golden Eagle
86 Northern Harrier
87 Sharp-shinned Hawk
88 Cooper's Hawk
89 Northern Goshawk
90 Bald Eagle
91 Broad-winged Hawk
92 Swainson's Hawk
93 Red-tailed Hawk
94 Rough-legged Hawk
95 Virginia Rail
96 Sora
97 American Coot
98 Sandhill Crane
99 Black-bellied Plover
100 American Golden-Plover
101 Pacific Golden-Plover
102 Semipalmated Plover
103 Killdeer
104 Black Oystercatcher
105 Black-necked Stilt
106 American Avocet
107 Spotted Sandpiper
108 Solitary Sandpiper
109 Wandering Tattler
110 Greater Yellowlegs
111 Willet
112 Lesser Yellowlegs
113 Upland Sandpiper
114 Whimbrel
115 Long-billed Curlew
116 Hudsonian Godwit
117 Marbled Godwit
118 Ruddy Turnstone
119 Black Turnstone
120 Surfbird
121 Red Knot
122 Sanderling
123 Semipalmated Sandpiper
124 Western Sandpiper
125 Red-necked Stint
126 Least Sandpiper
127 White-rumped Sandpiper
128 Baird's Sandpiper
129 Pectoral Sandpiper
130 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
131 Rock Sandpiper
132 Dunlin
133 Stilt Sandpiper
134 Buff-breasted Sandpiper
135 Ruff
136 Short-billed Dowitcher
137 Long-billed Dowitcher
138 Wilson's Snipe
139 Wilson's Phalarope
140 Red-necked Phalarope
141 Red Phalarope
142 Black-legged Kittiwake
143 Sabine's Gull
144 Bonaparte's Gull
145 Black-headed Gull
146 Little Gull
147 Franklin's Gull
148 Heermann's Gull
149 Mew Gull
150 Ring-billed Gull
151 Western Gull
152 California Gull
153 Herring Gull
154 Thayer's Gull
155 Iceland Gull
156 Lesser Black-backed Gull
157 Slaty-backed Gull
158 Glaucous-winged Gull
159 Glaucous Gull
160 Caspian Tern
161 Black Tern
162 Common Tern
163 Arctic Tern
164 Forster's Tern
165 Elegant Tern
166 Pomarine Jaeger
167 Parasitic Jaeger
168 Common Murre
169 Pigeon Guillemot
170 Marbled Murrelet
171 Ancient Murrelet
172 Cassin's Auklet
173 Rhinoceros Auklet
174 Horned Puffin
175 Tufted Puffin
176 Rock Pigeon
177 Band-tailed Pigeon
178 Eurasian Collared-Dove
179 Mourning Dove
180 Barn Owl
181 Flammulated Owl
182 Western Screech-Owl
183 Great Horned Owl
184 Snowy Owl
185 Northern Hawk Owl
186 Northern Pygmy-Owl
187 Barred Owl
188 Great Gray Owl
189 Long-eared Owl
190 Short-eared Owl
191 Boreal Owl
192 Northern Saw-whet Owl
193 Common Nighthawk
194 Common Poorwill
195 Black Swift
196 Vaux's Swift
197 White-throated Swift
198 Black-chinned Hummingbird
199 Anna's Hummingbird
200 Costa's Hummingbird
201 Broad-tailed Hummingbird
202 Rufous Hummingbird
203 Calliope Hummingbird
204 Belted Kingfisher
205 Lewis's Woodpecker
206 Williamson's Sapsucker
207 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
208 Red-naped Sapsucker
209 Red-breasted Sapsucker
210 Downy Woodpecker
211 Hairy Woodpecker
212 American Three-toed Woodpecker
213 Black-backed Woodpecker
214 Northern Flicker
215 Pileated Woodpecker
216 American Kestrel
217 Merlin
218 Gyrfalcon
219 Peregrine Falcon
220 Prairie Falcon
221 Olive-sided Flycatcher
222 Western Wood-Pewee
223 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
224 Alder Flycatcher
225 Willow Flycatcher
226 Least Flycatcher
227 Hammond's Flycatcher
228 Gray Flycatcher
229 Dusky Flycatcher
230 Pacific-slope Flycatcher
231 Eastern Phoebe
232 Say's Phoebe
233 Tropical Kingbird
234 Western Kingbird
235 Eastern Kingbird
236 Loggerhead Shrike
237 Northern Shrike
238 Cassin's Vireo
239 Blue-headed Vireo
240 Hutton's Vireo
241 Warbling Vireo
242 Philadelphia Vireo
243 Red-eyed Vireo
244 Gray Jay
245 Steller's Jay
246 Blue Jay
247 Western Scrub-Jay
248 Black-billed Magpie
249 Clark's Nutcracker
250 American Crow
251 Northwestern Crow
252 Common Raven
253 Sky Lark
254 Horned Lark
255 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
256 Purple Martin
257 Tree Swallow
258 Violet-green Swallow
259 Bank Swallow
260 Barn Swallow
261 Cliff Swallow
262 Cave Swallow
263 Black-capped Chickadee
264 Mountain Chickadee
265 Chestnut-backed Chickadee
266 Boreal Chickadee
267 Bushtit
268 Red-breasted Nuthatch
269 White-breasted Nuthatch
270 Pygmy Nuthatch
271 Brown Creeper
272 Rock Wren
273 Canyon Wren
274 House Wren
275 Pacific Wren
276 Sedge Wren
277 Marsh Wren
278 Bewick's Wren
279 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
280 American Dipper
281 Golden-crowned Kinglet
282 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
283 Western Bluebird
284 Mountain Bluebird
285 Townsend's Solitaire
286 Veery
287 Gray-cheeked Thrush
288 Swainson's Thrush
289 Hermit Thrush
290 American Robin
291 Varied Thrush
292 Gray Catbird
293 Northern Mockingbird
294 Sage Thrasher
295 European Starling
296 Citrine Wagtail
297 American Pipit
298 Sprague's Pipit
299 Bohemian Waxwing
300 Cedar Waxwing
301 Lapland Longspur
302 Chestnut-collared Longspur
303 Smith's Longspur
304 Snow Bunting
305 Ovenbird
306 Northern Waterthrush
307 Black-and-white Warbler
308 Tennessee Warbler
309 Orange-crowned Warbler
310 Nashville Warbler
311 Connecticut Warbler
312 MacGillivray's Warbler
313 Mourning Warbler
314 Common Yellowthroat
315 American Redstart
316 Cape May Warbler
317 Magnolia Warbler
318 Yellow Warbler
319 Blackpoll Warbler
320 Black-throated Blue Warbler
321 Palm Warbler
322 Yellow-rumped Warbler
323 Yellow-throated Warbler
324 Black-throated Gray Warbler
325 Townsend's Warbler
326 Black-throated Green Warbler
327 Canada Warbler
328 Wilson's Warbler
329 Yellow-breasted Chat
330 Spotted Towhee
331 American Tree Sparrow
332 Chipping Sparrow
333 Clay-colored Sparrow
334 Brewer's Sparrow
335 Vesper Sparrow
336 Lark Sparrow
337 Black-throated Sparrow
338 Sage Sparrow
339 Lark Bunting
340 Savannah Sparrow
341 Grasshopper Sparrow
342 Le Conte's Sparrow
343 Fox Sparrow
344 Song Sparrow
345 Lincoln's Sparrow
346 Swamp Sparrow
347 White-throated Sparrow
348 Harris's Sparrow
349 White-crowned Sparrow
350 Golden-crowned Sparrow
351 Dark-eyed Junco
352 Western Tanager
353 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
354 Black-headed Grosbeak
355 Lazuli Bunting
356 Indigo Bunting
357 Bobolink
358 Red-winged Blackbird
359 Western Meadowlark
360 Yellow-headed Blackbird
361 Rusty Blackbird
362 Brewer's Blackbird
363 Common Grackle
364 Brown-headed Cowbird
365 Bullock's Oriole
366 Baltimore Oriole
367 Brambling
368 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
369 Pine Grosbeak
370 Purple Finch
371 Cassin's Finch
372 House Finch
373 Red Crossbill
374 White-winged Crossbill
375 Common Redpoll
376 Hoary Redpoll
377 Pine Siskin
378 Lesser Goldfinch
379 American Goldfinch
380 Evening Grosbeak
381 House Sparrow
Hey Guy & Carlo, as I mentioned in the original post this list is only the birds spotted in BC for 2012 and recorded in eBird.

> BC birds (2012)

All the birds you guys mentioned except for the Scarlet Tanager and the Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow HAVE been spotted in BC and recorded in eBird, but there were none recorded in 2012. According to eBird there are actually 489 birds that have historically been spotted in BC. If either of you two spotted any of the species you mentioned above then congrats!

> BC birds
Yep, just adding a few that didn't make the list. These other species were seen in BC in 2012, but not seen by e-bird users apparently.

Guy L. Monty
Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island, BC
Definitely several Long-tailed Jaegers recorded in B.C. in 2012 - eBird isn't utilized by some of the more active birders in the province, unfortunately, so it's not always a good measure of the number of birds seen in a given area or time frame.

Jeremy Gatten
Saanichton, B.C.
Hi Jeremy,

Your post seems to suggest that you have some desire that more birders input their sightings to ebird. For the sake of my own curiosity, and perhaps for others who don't know anything about the program, if you have a spare moment, would you be willing to post your reasons why you think this would be beneficial, and to whom?

many thanks,

Guy L. Monty
Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island, BC
Guy L. Monty wrote:Hi Jeremy,

Your post seems to suggest that you have some desire that more birders input their sightings to ebird. For the sake of my own curiosity, and perhaps for others who don't know anything about the program, if you have a spare moment, would you be willing to post your reasons why you think this would be beneficial, and to whom?

many thanks,

Guy L. Monty
Nanoose Bay, Vancouver Island, BC

eBird is a website run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in New York. If enough observations are submitted on eBird, you can see increases in declines in populations of birds, migration patterns, irruptions, range maps, and I also find it is a good way for yourself to keep track of the birds you see each time you go birding, and it allows you to see what birds are around where so that you can see if there are some species you really want to see hanging out at a location near you. Due to these reasons, ornithologists and you can discover so much more than ever before. I encourage everyone to join eBird:

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