This forum is for asking questions and providing answers on bird identification. New and visiting birders are encouraged to ask and participate.
By sharper
A flash of gold caught my attention while walking up Christmas Hill this morning. I can't say I have ever seen such a golden hummingbird here in Victoria. Is this a variant or just a trick of light. I took many pictures as it flitted about but none of them showed the typical green of the Anna's.


By ogopogo
trick of light. I had the same thing happen: pink head, then golden, then normal green (same bird as it flitted up and re-arranged itself in a new direction),
By Nonnobissolum
I wouldn't call it a trick though, just normal iridescence. The color can shift depending upon the relative angle of light, the viewer, position of the bird, whether or not it is fluffing or compressing its feathers and a whole bunch of other stuff.

If I ignore the color it looks just like an adult female Anna's, I don't think there are any immature birds left at this time of year to confuse the issue, they should have all moulted into adult plumage. The dark central throat patch would turn crimson (or some other color) at the right angle.
By sharper
That was my thinking too. Definitely looked like an Anna's, it was just a fluke that when it moved to different branches and angles it always presented yellow. Thanks.
By wendylou
In that first photo is the bird sticking out it's tongue? Or is that a trick of light as well? Thanks! :wink:

Very cool pictures, thanks for sharing!

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